
I have no problems with people having 1 kid, 2 well I can live with that too, despite their being too much of this.

Why would you have any problem at any time? I'm not sure how anyone is even entitled to an opinion on this. Conversely, you're one step away from telling women that they shouldn't be allowed to have abortions either, and nobody should ever be allowed to do that ever, not in a trillion years.

The fact is, there are people out that constantly shout how they "love children" and yet they have no parenting skills, no money, shit job, shit house, live in a shit neighborhood and are in no mental or physical state to have a child...

Yes, I suppose there are. But you do realize that not everybody with kids is poor, uneducated, etc???

But at the same time, if somebody chooses not to have a kid for whatever reason, they are selfish. I've heard this argument

What you're saying is all news to me. I've never ever in my life heard one set of parents criticize other people for NOT having kids. That is just bizarre. I mean, the subject might come up but I don't think it's ever been a debate of any kind.

No, but have you ever noticed how the poor/uneducated generally have more children?

I suppose, yes, and I can relate to some of your rants but what you've bizarrely done is grouped ALL parents into some trailer trash inbreds living in the outback woods of Florida or something.
Ali, you must live in a white neighborhood. :Smug:

It's pretty mixed I suppose. Obviously the majority is white, as it would be in 90% of this country, but there's also a large contingent of hacidic jew and latino. My daighter goes to a school that's 70% white and 25% hispanic. The jews obviously go to their own schools.

Obviously being a dad means I get to meet a ton of other parents, simply because their kids are in the same classes as my kids. We chaperone our kids to each other's birthday parties. I don't think any of these parents are uneducated, poor, having kids to gain welfare, and yet they're not all exactly ivy league graduates either.

It's the epitome of the middle class I suppose.

Why, do you live in a non-white poor neighborhood?
I believe that the government (which is established for the greater good of society), should institute mandatory abortions. Fuck this shit mang. To have a child you must pass some strict regulations.

Be married/legal partnership
Make a min of 80,000 combined
Not be a my pals
Score above 110 on an IQ test
Be employed for a minimum of one year at your current place of employment
A minimum credit score of 700
Ali, that criteria can be achieved through hard work.

If you impregnate a skank, you marry the dame plain and simple. This prevents the papi chulo from booking town and leaving the tax payers to handle the cost of "lil junior's" enfamil and gerber graduate bill.

Make a min 40,000 per parent - If you pass 110 on the IQ test, this shouldn't be too difficult.

Not be a my pals* There will be an exemption in the cities of Detroit and Newark, where 60 foot high walls will be set in to place with guards (white guards) standing by in watch towers.

Score 110 on IQ- An average mind could study his ass off to bring it up a couple points, I surmise.

Be employed for a year - pretty simple

A min score of 700 - Don't live beyond your means.

If you do happen to plant your seed with out receiving a "conception license", you will be subjected to a 100,000 fine and 5 years in prison.

Reign in Acai 2020
Not at all obvious to me, is it because of their concentration problems?

Let me revise: there are essentially two types of Jewish people in the USA. Group 1 are regular folks who have regular jobs and send their kids to regular schools. That said, there is still some religion involved in their tradition and they practice stuff like Channukah, and give their kids Bar/Bat Mitzvahs etc. Nothing too radical, but there is a significant population where regular schools practice Jewish holidays (so for example, my kids have days off for Jewish holidays).

And then you have Group 2: orthodox Jews, such as hacidics. These were originally Russian (I think) and a large exodus once ended up in Brooklyn, NY. They've now started to filter up to my area (40 miles north of NYC) and it's very rapidly widespreading -- hacidic couples have a religious obligation to have an average of 10 kids each. I think this may have to do with repopulating since the holocaust. They tend not to speak English. They actually frown upon Group 1, insisting that those are not "real" Jews. They send their kids to special schools or synagogues and of course the mothers look after this bunch full time. I'm not sure what the fathers do to be honest, nobody in my neighborhood seems to know. I don't see them commuting into the city. I use a taxi service from time to time which is owned/run by hacidics but that's as far as I can see in terms of employment. They also eat in their own restaurants, go to their own parks, and wot not. It's very very separate from the rest of the communities, they're extremely private and avoid mixing with any non-hacidic.
Let me revise: there are essentially two types of Jewish people in the USA. Group 1 are regular folks who have regular jobs and send their kids to regular schools. That said, there is still some religion involved in their tradition and they practice stuff like Channukah, and give their kids Bar/Bat Mitzvahs etc. Nothing too radical, but there is a significant population where regular schools practice Jewish holidays (so for example, my kids have days off for Jewish holidays).

And then you have Group 2: orthodox Jews, such as hacidics. These were originally Russian (I think) and a large exodus once ended up in Brooklyn, NY. They've now started to filter up to my area (40 miles north of NYC) and it's very rapidly widespreading -- hacidic couples have a religious obligation to have an average of 10 kids each. I think this may have to do with repopulating since the holocaust. They tend not to speak English. They actually frown upon Group 1, insisting that those are not "real" Jews. They send their kids to special schools or synagogues and of course the mothers look after this bunch full time. I'm not sure what the fathers do to be honest, nobody in my neighborhood seems to know. I don't see them commuting into the city. I use a taxi service from time to time which is owned/run by hacidics but that's as far as I can see in terms of employment. They also eat in their own restaurants, go to their own parks, and wot not. It's very very separate from the rest of the communities, they're extremely private and avoid mixing with any non-hacidic.

but if it's just concentration problems why don't they go to the camps?
There's a strong Hacidic Jew population around Beverly blvd. in el gay. I see them crossing the street recklessly almost nightly on my way to work. They will never leave the house with out being decked in their Amish esque attire. They do drive cars, but prefer to walk. They also refuse to use elevators on certain days of the week. They also smell like cabbage. Weirrdz
There's a strong Hacidic Jew population around Beverly blvd. in el gay. I see them crossing the street recklessly almost nightly on my way to work. They will never leave the house with out being decked in their Amish esque attire. They do drive cars, but prefer to walk. They also refuse to use elevators on certain days of the week. They also smell like cabbage. Weirrdz

Yeah, even in the dead of summer, they are dressed for winter. In a neighboring town, Monsey, there is an unwritten rule which allows hacidics to hitch a ride with another hacidic passing by. It's like they are obliged to drive each other around the place, the community being so tight knit they support each other in everything.
I always joke about hating Jews with my family. Good times indeed.

When we went away to Vermont over the summer, I kept commenting about how it was good to "escape all the Jews" (even though there are virtually none in my area). So on the last day, we go up to the mountains to ride a gondola, and who drives up and parks next to us and jumps out of the minivan like a bunch of fucking circus clowns? That's right, fucking jews, beanies, curls and all. Motherfucker, just a few more hours left of vacation and the Jews have to ruin it in the end.
My favorite line from Seinfeld was when Jerry and his new gal attended Kramer's midget friend's wedding.

Chick; What do you call a doctor who failed med school?
Jerry: I dunno?
Chick: A dentist.

<laughter ensues>

Jerry: I like that.
Chick: Dentists, who needs them?

<short pause>

Chick: Not to mention the blacks and the jews.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I am scarred for life.

Not from that. I just had a horrible experience after attempting to wipe standing up. I'm not getting into details, but I will say this; I don't know how the fuck you people do that standing.