Cubase 6

They changed their software to (or from?) OpenGL, which uses a different method to make the events transparent. Basically, from what I have gathered Steinberg will only bring back transparent events on C6 if enough people bitch about it. Best thing anyone can do at this point is e-mail Steinberg or make an account on their forum and complain about the lack of transparent events. If enough people are unhappy about it they might change it, I have a feeling not enough people will though and it'll go unchanged.

EDIT: ^^^^ register and post in that thread!!!
Studio One is literally the fastest DAW I've ever used.

I used Reaper solidly for two years, and I didn't realise until now how torturous it is to use. Version 4 with all of its mouse modification stuff should certainly help. But I'm waiting for some enterprising user to make a Cubase or Pro Tools theme for Reaper - I don't mean just skin either... everything. Keyboard, mouse, look, feel, etc...

Although by the time it happens, I'll probably be really engrained with Studio One.

Look for PTWaltered or something like that on the Reaper forums. Personally, it's a nightmare to use even when Pro-Tooled to fuck!
Editing multiple midi velocities or automation points is so easier now, I love it. I used to select them and use the "add/substract" velocity function and now it's a much better, simple hands-on operation.
Idk if this has been posted but I've been meaning to ask has anyone figured out a work around for transparent events yet? because I do really want to upgrade to 6 but thats like really really stopping me right now.
my workaround is use the 5 demo i still had on my computer and load the project on it whenever I need transparent events to edit :/
not reaally. close c6, open c5, open the project in c5, edit, close c5 and reopen the project in c6 hehehe
Hey guys, Ive got a question for all u guys doing slip editing. I LOVE the method & implement it myself now all the time. BUT with the new C6, so much attention has been focused on them taking out transparent events (which I agree is kind of a pain, but can get by relatively easy w/adding a blank track above & below the track I'm editing for receding to grid). BUT, my bugged gripe & one I haven't seen anyone mention is that they made CTRL+scroll zoom instead of scrolling left right. Is everyone now just holding down shift to scroll, then shift+click to slice, & shift+alt to slip? That F's me up cause then if I wanna select more than one event I'm always slicing it up rather than selecting cause I'm used to using shift click to add selected events. Anyway, just wondering how others are working with this. Thx!
You should be grouping tracks to begin with, to avoid the "shift+click to add selected events" thing.

Aside from that, I've always used shift + scroll for horizontal scrolling, my index finger stays on command for cut, and I put my middle finger on option while command is held for slipping.

*Edit* might be the other way around, truth told I can't remember, it's just second nature at this point. :lol:
Just remap the keys man, all the keys are customizable. For the record I canceled my order with Steinberg, can't get a straight answer from them on when the upgrades will be shipping and the lack of transparent events both make me uninterested in upgrading at this point.
Just a note: after detecting the hitpoints, a verrtical line is shown above them and that makes it easier to edit w/o transparent events. actually slip editing is just as easy now for me.
Drag Opacity: As a replacement for transparent
events like in Cubase 5, a new behavior has been
implemented: when dragging Events or Parts in the
Project window, dragged objects reduce their
background color opacity as long as the object is
moved with a pressed mouse button. This reveals the
grid lines of the Project window underneath the content
of the dragged object and allows you to align the peak
of a waveform exactly with a specific line of the grid. It
can be also used to align the content of one object
exactly with the content of another one. As a
consequence, it is now general behavior that dragged
Events (or Parts) no longer leave their image at their
original position in the Project window. However, while
dragging an object, press the [ALT] modifier key (which
is used for copy) to display the object at its original
position from where it was dragged. The Drag Opacity
can be adjusted freely in File > Preferences > Event
Display > Drag Opacity from full to zero opacity. The
default setting is a medium value

Bet it doesn't work for slip editing...
^^Just saw that in the update + posted in the thread - HUGE fucking fail on Steinbergs part. I'm really, really disappointed in Cubase 6, and don't forsee myself using it at all for another 6 months or so, given the rate at which they usually release updates.