Cubase 6

I'm actually going to the local distributor in a few minutes to buy it. They received them yesterday here.
I've played with it a bit - pretty cool so far. The GUI rules, amazing how much more pleasant it is to work in than C5.

The new tab-to-transient feature is useless, as is. I've made a post on the Steinberg forum but not gotten any real response. The function does not work in the arrange window, which is the only place I'd really want it. You have to open up the wav editor and enable hitpoint calculation before it works... bullshit IMO - absolutely terrible implementation of what otherwise would have been an awesome feature.

No transparent events has/will keep me from using it as a primary DAW for now, though.
The new tab-to-transient feature is useless, as is. I've made a post on the Steinberg forum but not gotten any real response. The function does not work in the arrange window, which is the only place I'd really want it. You have to open up the wav editor and enable hitpoint calculation before it works... bullshit IMO - absolutely terrible implementation of what otherwise would have been an awesome feature.

Does Cubase 5.5 not cut it for you? It honestly works great for me but I would've preferred some of the new features + GUI of C6... We'll see, might be doing a C5.5/PT9 hybrid combo anyway, seeing as the C6 tab-to-trans still sucks.
I was literally about to order the upgrade today until I saw this... no transparent events is the single deal breaker for me.
:lol: yeah... I'm gonna wait... might just get 5 actually in the meantime.

EDIT: Ordered the upgrade... backordered though - wtf... Download wasn't an option. Don't understand why I couldn't download it and get a license for the Steinberg key I already have, the one that comes with C5/6 is the same damn thing.
hey guys, what do you expected? it is steinberg. I bet that in a couple months there will be an update or something.
anyone got first hand experiences with Nuendo 5 and Win7(64)?
i´m still on win xp 32 bit here but nuendo 3 was far more stable than nuendo 5 is. on the other hand the routing possibilities in n5 are awesome. but for music production i can´t justify the price difference anymore so i want to go back to cubase as well.
Man I think they are making it too challenging on themselves. A transparent event is a crappy workaround in the first place and harder to code. All they need to do is call the function that draws the grid lines AFTER drawing the items, just put the grid IN FRONT of the events instead of trying to do anything fancy... You can keep your tracks colored that way too.
just wanted to state again that i LOVE the new tab to transient feature. no problems here without transparent events, i rather use my ears for drumediting anyway. its easy to see if a hit is behind
or before the beat. but yeah, i can see that when your used to that it sucks donkey balls...