Cubase 6

I'm with dcb on this one. Hitpoints are calculated in about 0 seconds and refined in 2 or 3 (the new hitpoint detection system is tons better than the previous).

For simple drums, with hitpoint detection + advanced quantizing panel you get pretty much perfect quantization and crossfades in next to no time. For really complex stuff I'd say you can't exactly rely on automatic drum editing in any DAW.
How do you love it?? It's useless - not in the arrange window and it's not even a true 'tab to transient,' but a 'tab to user-defined hitpoints.'

I literally cannot see a way to implement it into my workflow as is.

im slicing up samples atm - 1. calculate hitpoints 2. jump from transient to transient (i have jump to next transient on Y, back to last trans on < ((im on german keyboard though so Z and Y are interchanged) and cut (with alt+x).
or even faster just use the quantize window and slice everything with one click (like you would when quantizing)

ttt - not in the arrange window??

i do use it in the arrange window all the time... somethign wrong with your version ;-)?
im slicing up samples atm - 1. calculate hitpoints 2. jump from transient to transient (i have jump to next transient on Y, back to last trans on < ((im on german keyboard though so Z and Y are interchanged) and cut (with alt+x).
or even faster just use the quantize window and slice everything with one click (like you would when quantizing)

ttt - not in the arrange window??

i do use it in the arrange window all the time... somethign wrong with your version ;-)?

Maybe there is something wrong - the tab to hitpoint function only works in the edit window, if I double-click the waveform. In the normal default arrange window, there is no usable function for tabbing between hitpoints.
Maybe there is something wrong - the tab to hitpoint function only works in the edit window, if I double-click the waveform. In the normal default arrange window, there is no usable function for tabbing between hitpoints.

try this:
detect hitpoints for a file in the edit window
then go back to the arranger window and assign a hotkey to "jump to next transient" (i chose z for that)
go to the arranger window hit z - tadaaa!
your cursor should jump to the next transient!

works over here...
Tried some more stuff and unfortunately there's a bug that causes all Cubase vst3 meters to get stuck or to have a lot of latency. There's a thread on their forums
and I have the same thing. How about you guys?

I like the stock eq and compressor, mostly for the auto-gain function, so this affects me. On a related note, it would've been awesome if there was an advanced version of the studio eq with a lot more bands (that I don't have to individually engage) and a slightly better interface.
Those who have received their upgrade: how long does it take to ship? I ordered mine a while ago now

I just ordered the upgrade a couple of days ago, all the e-mail from Steinberg says is that when it ships you will get an e-mail with tracking information and that once it does ship it takes about a week to reach the US destination.
Interesting that none of you seem to have gotten it. Dammit, I hope I didn't only make that up in my dreams or something. Can't find the email anymore... Well, we'll have to wait and see.
Been using C6 for the past two days and I like it. Buggy, for sure, but I like it A LOT over C4/N4 (what I've been using on my home studio and the studio I work on). One thing is interesting: some bugs only happen on projects that were created on C4/N4. For example, I cannot get Touch and Auto-latch automation modes to works as they should on projects not created with C6. Creating projects with it is producing a more stable experience so far.
just got a reply from steinbergs customer support: transparent events will NOT be included soon.

seriously how do you guys deal with it, when editing drums??

i don't get this, i can activate transparent
events in cubase 5.5, why did they take it out in version 6...

same with the mix knob from reverence when used on grop channels.
for some stupif it was locked in the last update but will be unlocked
again in the pinale update. seems like the steinberg guys are just a little bit bored...:guh: