custom snare sample (joey sturgis snare 1)

Well I stand corrected, I figured he would know, guess not, hahahaha... I originally assumed they were custom samples until he said otherwise
I'm wanting to use the Shoulder Cymbals on my band's new EP but idk what to do about the room sound for cymbals.
Is there already room mics mixed in with Shoulder City, or would using Superior's room be good enough (or would Superior's room just be a bad idea to mix in because it's totally different cymbals)?
For anyone who hasn't thought about this...if you own Trigger or Drumagog and don't own Kontakt,
what I did was create .TCI files out of the cymbal .wavs and triggered them by midi with Trigger's midi in feature. + Emerald Cymbals.mp3

I used the Truth Custom Emerald there with Snare 1

EDIT: just removed the Slate snare and only left Snare 1 with a Slate room sample...just trying things out haha
Is anyone else doing this with Joey's cymbals?
I recently bought Shoulder City to use on my bands upcoming EP and I only have Trigger Platinum and Superior Drummer.

Would making .tci's out of the cymbals and programming them accordingly be a bad idea? Isn't that technically what Kontakt and Superior are doing?

Also, when making .tci's for these cymbals in the instrument editer, what would you all suggest to do with the velocity? Use auto-velocity, or make a range from 0-126?
Does anyone know how the "samples set" folder is set up in the Truth Black and Gold kit? the one with all the .wav files. Are the samples in the immediate folder like "kick" un-mastered, then the "alt" and "alt 2" folders of the samples are mastered? please help thanks