Schwärzung;8858159 said:
I love nerdy board games, so naturally I love Dungeons & Dragons. More of a Magic: The Gathering fan, however.

Anyone ever play the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons NES games? Good shit.
I used to play Magic a lot. I've been out of the loop for a couple years but I still like to play every now and then.
There's a D&D and M:TG gaming room in my city, which is awesome. I usually play D&D on Sundays if I have the time there. Hard to find a DM though.
We should totally have an UM adventure; I'll do a Warhammer thread, set everything up, and get this hit rolling if anyone is down for it.
So I'm thinking of making a Warlord for a side campaign we may be starting this week. Does anyone who plays 4E have a suggestion for what race would work best for this class, or for playing this class in general?

I suppose since the key ability scores for Warlords seem to be Str. and Cha., something with a bonus to one of those would work best. As far as I know, the only core race with bonuses to both is Dargonborn, and I refuse to play a fucking dragonborn. I was thinking about going with half orc.
I have never played, but I have been to some games. My bestfriend plays and I go to watch him and his friends play together. It's fun and I would like to join on in the action, but I don't think I have the time for it yet.
So I'm thinking of making a Warlord for a side campaign we may be starting this week. Does anyone who plays 4E have a suggestion for what race would work best for this class, or for playing this class in general?

I suppose since the key ability scores for Warlords seem to be Str. and Cha., something with a bonus to one of those would work best. As far as I know, the only core race with bonuses to both is Dargonborn, and I refuse to play a fucking dragonborn. I was thinking about going with half orc.
I just started a campaign with my friends and I am playing a Dragonborn (sorry) Warlord. We just started so I am level one and I only half know the rules but it seems like having a high INT also helps as a Warlord. The abilities seem focused on being able to help allies move around or get bonuses so your team should like you.
I can't decide if I want to do a Half Orc Inspiring Warlord, A Half Orc or possibly Goliath Bravura Warlord or an Eladrin Tactical Warlord.

It's for a side game we're starting at level 10, so we'll get to select paragon paths almost right away, and Spiral Tactician (only available for Eladrin Warlords) sounds really fucking cool. A lot of neat stuff involving fey step... Also, if I went with Eladrin it's be like playing as Fingolfin, who was bad ass as all hell.

But I'm so in love with the idea of a rough-and-tumble, bad ass combat veteran either of those other two builds/ races would be better for that. Just deciding how to build this character is hard enough, but then it looks like assigning ability scores is going to be tricky, too.

The first two characters I made were so much easier.
Have you taken this?


I got Chaotic Evil Human Bard/Rogue (2nd/2nd Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 13
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 16
Wisdom- 16
Charisma- 16

Neutral Good Human Sorcerer (4th Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 15
Dexterity- 11
Constitution- 13
Intelligence- 13
Wisdom- 13
Charisma- 12

I expected more true neutral or chaotic for alignment, but oh well. I'm flattered by a strength score of 15, however - I answered all the questions honestly and I don't consider myself to be a brute by any stretch of the imagination.
So for a massive Chaos campaign I planned I decided to make a bunch of champions that my players would have to go find and beat in combat, basically one champion for each god (each had a very special artifact that was needed by the war-host). Of course, they could keep these things (hell, they could try to do whatever they want in my world), but it was definitely in their best interest to return to their unholy leader as this could mean favor in their characters in both the eyes of the Everchosen and of their god.

This beastly fuck was beautiful in design. He was an exalted champion of the Chaos god Khorne, the most violent of the four gods; he represents unrestrained aggression and mindless frenzy. He is known as the blood god, the skull lord, and it doesn't matter who dies in the end as long as blood is spilled in his name. And if one isn't engaged in war, then one better be preparing for it. This creature is one of his greatest worshipers, and Khorne has granted him many boons.

This man, if you can call it that, has killed hundreds of thousands within the last several hundred years, and has been granted the greatest gift a god can give - their mark. This creature has a deep red skin, with black-laced veins surrounding his hide. Its body is massive, over 12.5 feet in length and weighing over 700lbs. Where his abdomen ends his body becomes fleshy and has hundreds of three & four jointed pairs of legs (like a mutated centipede). The upper torso of this creature and the back of its lower half is covered in a heavy brass that is stained with blood and crusted with skin and gore. As you approach its neck, you see one head growing out of the left clavicle, and above that another head vies for dominance with another head at the top of his thick corded neck. Blood constantly drips from this region as interlinked pieces of iron and brass form a collar that is studded with spikes (internally and externally) separates the warring craniums from one another. His right hand seems to sap the color from the surrounding area, while his other hand holds a Chaos artifact in the form of a sword that almost seems alive; the blade is blood red and pulses rhythmically, and when parried, it sprays blood as if it were heavily injured. In the true fashion of his god, he is immune to magic (Khorne despises magic users as he feels they are cowards), and in turn this mutants body rejects the effects of any spell put upon him. Furthermore, echoing his gods bloody nature, this exalted champion must drink up to five gallons of blood a day or face his gods wrath, as his unwavering eyes are constantly gazing though him.

Stats below: d10 system is out of a /100; meaning that a 50/100 means a character may hit 50% of the time, just like an 80/100 means they will hit 80% of the time.


WS = Weapon Skill, BS = Ballistic skill, S= Strength, T = Toughness, Ag = Agility, Int = Intelligence, WP = Will Power, Fell = Fellowship

A = Attacks (per turn), W= Wounds (health/hp), SB/TB = Strength/Toughness Bonus (added into attack bonus/damage reduction), M = Movement, Mag = Magic, IP = Insanity Points (mental stability, the higher the number the worse it is), FP = Fate Points (ability to change the outcome of certain events, mainly used as a freebie for characters to survive something if there is a critical failure (like instead of having your head lopped off in a fight, you get knocked out - that isn't to say you know where you are or if you're party knows where you are...)
We had our "main" campaign session today (I'm the DM) and I should have killed the party's Paladin in the fist round of the second encounter.

I had them fighting, at the time, an Ankheg (the other Ankheg and the broodlings all stayed hidden for the first round or two) and on it's first turn (it went first in the encounter) it used Acid Spray to fuck up said Paladin as well as the party's Fighter and Avenger, then spent it's action point to use Mandible Grab on the Paladin... Now, all that left the Paladin at no more than 5HP (the party is level 2), and his turn was next, meaning that as soon as his turn started he would be reduced to 0HP due to the ongoing 5 acid damage from the spray. He delayed behind the party's Cleric and she healed him, so everything was all well and good. I had forgotten, however, that when the Ankheg has someone grabbed it makes an attack (+8 vs AC) as a minor action and does 1d8 +2 damage so, yeah, that sumbitch probably should've been toast. Not that I want anyone in the party to die (at least not him), but still. At least it put a good scare into them after wading through the first few encounters.

We also have a side game going that we started at Level 10 (now 11). For that one I play a Half Orc Ranger, having taken the Battlefield Archer paragon path (I can designate up to four quarries :D). That game pretty consists of us going around this town and beating the shit out of awesome monsters. One guy plays a Barbarian and he does like 50+ damage every turn. It's sick.

You Are A:
True Neutral Human Fighter/Bard (2nd/2nd Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 15
Dexterity- 17
Constitution- 14
Intelligence- 15
Wisdom- 13
Charisma- 16
So now that D&D Online is free, would anyone have any interest in doing a UM party? I guess we'd treat it like a normal D&D game (i.e. all play together at the same time and only then), at least as much as possible within the confines of the game. What I've heard is that it's a relatively faithful recreation of the game. Just throwing the idea out there.