Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Also, it is possible to stop/start being attracted to members of the opposite sex. Where did you get that idea? Maybe not in 100% of cases, but in many.
Ok. Stop being attracted to a woman for a day. Don't worry, you can switch back.

I got the idea that you couldn't from the fact that I can't and the fact that no one else ever seems to.

I think "belief" seems much less serious to those who don't participate in it or share it with others. When people become imbued with a specific form of faith or belief and adopt its tenets and structure it becomes unimaginably difficult to completely shift worldviews. In my opinion, it's not much different than being gay. A person is ushered into the world and given a multitude of belief systems to choose from, including no belief system at all; when one presents itself that said person identifies with (based on his or her innate personal tendencies), that becomes his or her method of faith.

It's very similar to a human being coming into the world and being allowed to freely choose his or her sexual orientation (based on his or her own innate personal tendencies).
Dodens already responded to this but I'll add my two cents.

I think you're completely wrong. I'm not going to argue with the point that beliefs can be extremely powerful and that not having them can seem completely incomprehensible. Obviously this is true when people are still religious or communist or believe in alien abductions despite these things being obviously false from scientific/skeptical worldview. However to compare that to sexual orientation is absurd. If suddenly a communist state turned out really great (not going to happen but for argument's sake) you might reconsider your position. I use communism as an example because historically it's been one of those beliefs that causes extreme devotion in it's followers and extreme antagonism in its detractors. If an alien ship was spotted by a reputable source you might start believing too.

Now imagine if it turned out that your family might shun you for liking girls (something that happens to gay people all the time). If you were to make a ration choice you would stop liking girls. There's plenty of dudes in the world to like and you love your family and don't want them to shun you. Could you do that? I know I couldn't no matter how much I wanted to.
On second thought I actually would reconsider what I said. I suppose I still mistakenly speak as though homosexuality is a lifestyle choice; but I honestly don't believe that it is.

So I would say that Dodens and Cookie are right.
So no one here has never known a switch-hitter? Plenty of people go gay and go straight, preference is not always biological (I know everyone here has seen sexual selection as a form of sociality). Hell, they can switch back all the time whenever they want. What most however want to do is pigeonhole their preference to create a fine line between a preference that just doesn't exist. Most would be surprised with themselves if they actually turned off their inhibition switch... just saying.

Make a note however, I am not saying sexual preference is a conscious decision. It can be if people so desire something. That being said, there are people who have a disposition (that is more than likely moderate when discerning influence; i.e. natural disposition or nurture) towards the same sex that is wholly natural (is not a freak abomination/accident of nature) and biologically driven. It's been shown that males may have a prenatal disposition to homosexuality based on how many older male siblings they may have. This particular article is from 2006, so there is no doubt more information on the subject now that I will have to catch up with.
Just heard about that. That region gets so much flak.

I assume the all-loving god just had to have all those newborn children all for himself.
So no one here has never known a switch-hitter? Plenty of people go gay and go straight, preference is not always biological (I know everyone here has seen sexual selection as a form of sociality). Hell, they can switch back all the time whenever they want. What most however want to do is pigeonhole their preference to create a fine line between a preference that just doesn't exist. Most would be surprised with themselves if they actually turned off their inhibition switch... just saying.

Make a note however, I am not saying sexual preference is a conscious decision. It can be if people so desire something. That being said, there are people who have a disposition (that is more than likely moderate when discerning influence; i.e. natural disposition or nurture) towards the same sex that is wholly natural (is not a freak abomination/accident of nature) and biologically driven. It's been shown that males may have a prenatal disposition to homosexuality based on how many older male siblings they may have. This particular article is from 2006, so there is no doubt more information on the subject now that I will have to catch up with.

Yeah, I know a couple bisexuals. I also know a few people that fuck with the opposite sex but aren't gay at all.

Did you read the actual study?

If you didn't then here's a few points:

1. The risk range for the canadian study was actually between 1.03-2.74. That is a massive statistical range, and leaves me with little confidence in the actual analysis of the results. It basically means that "We think its somewhere between 3%-174% riskier but we have no idea where within that".

2. This study goes against the findings of all other research. 2 Mexican studies found the TIV vaccine was protective (34%-89% and 23%-45%)

3. 4 other studies (3 in US, 1 in Australia) found it had no effect on H1n1 outcomes.

4. It didn't nullify the effect on seasonal flu - it was still 50% or so protective.

5. "perhaps because the vaccine-induced brain damage has kicked in and destroyed their ability to think for themselves." And you read this shit?
Did you read the actual study?

If you didn't then here's a few points:

1. The risk range for the canadian study was actually between 1.03-2.74. That is a massive statistical range, and leaves me with little confidence in the actual analysis of the results. It basically means that "We think its somewhere between 3%-174% riskier but we have no idea where within that".

2. This study goes against the findings of all other research. 2 Mexican studies found the TIV vaccine was protective (34%-89% and 23%-45%)

3. 4 other studies (3 in US, 1 in Australia) found it had no effect on H1n1 outcomes.

4. It didn't nullify the effect on seasonal flu - it was still 50% or so protective.

5. "perhaps because the vaccine-induced brain damage has kicked in and destroyed their ability to think for themselves." And you read this shit?

Who did the other studies? If it was anyone associated with the ************** companies that would kind of nullify them.

As far as point number 5, I do think that vaccines are unnecessary invasively introduced toxins to the blood stream, that do nothing to properly boost immune systems absent actual immune system boosting nutrition, which would work with or without the presence of vaccines. The yearly exposure to these toxins could have an adverse affect on brain function :p .

Specifically regarding the seasonal flu vaccines, I know the US military is required to get them every fall, and they always ruin a weekend with it, because you spend roughly 3 days feeling weaker with a runny nose, so they give it on Fridays so it doesn't interfer with work.

So in that case, whats the advantage of everyone feeling 50% sick for three days, instead of a few people feeling 100% sick for 3-4 days?
The other studies were carried out either by European or US CDC, and one by the "New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Swine Influenza Investigation Team ".

However, knowing you, I'm sure they're all taking backhanders from Big Pharma.

Why they make US military take the flu vaccine I don't know. Over in the UK, its only given to risk factor groups i.e people over 65, asthmatics etc. I'd be amazed if 100% of the people who take the vaccine get symptoms, especially in a group of people who are probably extremely fit.
funny dude


The other studies were carried out either by European or US CDC, and one by the "New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Swine Influenza Investigation Team ".

However, knowing you, I'm sure they're all taking backhanders from Big Pharma.

Well both CDCs were complicit in the swine flu scare propaganda, so I have no reason to think otherwise. Both pharma and CDCs need each other to stay relevant and make more money/get more funding.

Why they make US military take the flu vaccine I don't know. Over in the UK, its only given to risk factor groups i.e people over 65, asthmatics etc. I'd be amazed if 100% of the people who take the vaccine get symptoms, especially in a group of people who are probably extremely fit.

Well unfortunately there are plenty of military personnel who are not that fit/do not eat right. They usually gave us the flumist so regardless how healthy, you got at a minimum a runny/stuffy nose for a few days. If you got the jab in the arm, your shoulder would be weak all weekend at a minimum.

One of the big reasons I got out of the Marines was because of all the forced vaccinations. Spent the my wifes entire pregnancy fighting to keep her from having to get the mandatory military shots.