Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

You know whats 1000 times better than flouride for your teeth? Vitamin D, Calcium, and Magnesium.

The flouride scam is about money. Chemical companies like Dupont get to make money off their waste instead of having to pay to properly dispose of it, your teeth are less healthy without constant dentist maintenance (more money/need for the dentist).

Since Hitler was supposedly the first to start using flouride in the water supply (and specifically in the concentration camps) it can hardly be called a communist plot. The alleged reason for putting flouride in the water was to sterilize and docilate the prisoners.
Crime and Punishment of IG Farben for reference on that.

I haven't used flouride toothpaste and filter it out my water for the last 2-3 years. Last trip to the dentist was told I have excellent dental health, and I only brush once a day and don't floss. According to the ADA my teeth should all be falling out.

Man, this forum would be really unfunny and unamusing without you :)

But yeah true, vitamin D and calcium are pretty great for bones and teeth, so I agree there. Vitamin D and calcium, as far as I know, don't profess to reduce the risk of cavities though.
I decide to check this thread for once and the last post is some pro-Confederate nonsense one line post. ffs

Who said it was pro-Confederate. I was referencing the error in calling one side of a national conflict "terrorists".

A country with a uniformed military engaging in standard warfare cannot be even remotely described as "terrorist" (the very name "Civil War" is a misnomer, because it was a fight between two countries). If anyone in the entire Civil War was a "terrorist", it was the Union General Sherman. Not by official definition, but by his wanton destruction of non-military structures and unguarded towns, etc.
Who said it was pro-Confederate. I was referencing the error in calling one side of a national conflict "terrorists".

A country with a uniformed military engaging in standard warfare cannot be even remotely described as "terrorist" (the very name "Civil War" is a misnomer, because it was a fight between two countries). If anyone in the entire Civil War was a "terrorist", it was the Union General Sherman. Not by official definition, but by his wanton destruction of non-military structures and unguarded towns, etc.

You are heavily sympathetic to the Confederacy. Why is that? I have some idea why but I'm asking you.

And you're probably one of those people who thinks the Palestinians are all terrorists or Iraqi or Afghani "insurgents" are all terrorists, correct?
You are heavily sympathetic to the Confederacy. Why is that? I have some idea why but I'm asking you.

And you're probably one of those people who thinks the Palestinians are all terrorists or Iraqi or Afghani "insurgents" are all terrorists, correct?

Actually Dakryn is very anti-Iraq war, so I doubt he would be quick to dub Iraqi insurgents as terrorists. Dunno about the taliban though.
You are heavily sympathetic to the Confederacy. Why is that? I have some idea why but I'm asking you.

Getting back to this (The "Negative" response was in reference to your insurgent assumption).

I am sympathetic to any group who has their history/story completely twisted and monsterized in the face of the supposed angelic intent and actions of their opposition who has either won, or is currently fighting, and controls the available propaganda machines.
So no one here heard about the Icelandic volcano that's grounded all flights in western europe for the last 4/5 days? Its pretty bad. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8628867.stm

Looks like my girlfriend is going to get caught up in it too, as she's meant to be flying to Madrid Thursday morning. Also, I've got several friends at Uni who are international students and they're all stranded in Canada, Hong Kong etc.

Not doing much good for the already ailing Air travel business.
So no one here heard about the Icelandic volcano that's grounded all flights in western europe for the last 4/5 days?

I'm stuck in Europe, I was supposed to be on a flight 4 hours ago..but it seems I won't be able to fly until the end of the week! I guess another week from work :)
So no one here heard about the Icelandic volcano that's grounded all flights in western europe for the last 4/5 days? Its pretty bad. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8628867.stm

Looks like my girlfriend is going to get caught up in it too, as she's meant to be flying to Madrid Thursday morning. Also, I've got several friends at Uni who are international students and they're all stranded in Canada, Hong Kong etc.

Not doing much good for the already ailing Air travel business.

Just wait until more volcanos start going off world wide.