Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

If that was the actual survey question, it doesn't mean shit; and if you're trying to draw conclusions from it you're probably in great need of critical thinking ability.
Dozens killed in Baghdad in 'revenge al-Qaeda attacks'
The wave of bombings wreaked widespread destruction

A wave of bombings in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, has killed at least 58 people and wounded more than 100.

Most of the attacks occurred near Shia mosques during Friday prayers. At least two went off near the offices of radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr.

A top official blamed al-Qaeda, which in the past has targeted Shia areas.

He said the bombing had been carried out in revenge for the recent killing of three senior al-Qaeda leaders by security forces.


By Gabriel Gatehouse, BBC News, Baghdad
No group has publicly said it carried out the attacks, but many will look at the pattern of Friday's bombings - all near groups of Shia worshippers, all around the time of Friday prayers - and draw their own conclusions.
The Baghdad authorities have blamed al-Qaeda, saying the bombings were in revenge for the killing of high-profile al-Qaeda operatives on Sunday.

Whoever did carry out the attacks, it is hard not to conclude that they were designed to inflame tensions between Iraq's Sunni and Shia communities at a time of political uncertainty.

Heightened tensions

There were at least six bombings in Baghdad on Friday, with some reports putting the total at 13.

The targets included mosques and a market, as well as Mr Sadr's offices in the mainly Shia area of Sadr City.

An eyewitness to that attack said he had counted about 25 bodies.

"We are the innocent victims of vicious politics," he told the Associated Press news agency. "This kind of politics will lead us nowhere, down a rabbit-hole to sectarianism."

Baghdad security spokesman Qassim Moussawi told Reuters news agency the bombings targeted "prayers in areas with a certain majority", referring to Iraq's Shia population.

He said the attacks came in "revenge for the losses suffered by al-Qaeda" and he expected "such terrorist acts to continue".

Al-Qaeda is blamed for many of the deadliest attacks in Iraq in recent years.

At the weekend US and Iraqi forces said they had killed three al-Qaeda leaders - named as Ahmed al-Obeidi, Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.

In pictures: Baghdad blasts
The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse in Baghdad says security officials have stepped up security in Sadr City and many residents will be asking how the bombers managed to get through the checkpoints.

But the broader question is what the reaction will be, both in Sadr City and in other predominantly Shia areas that were hit, our correspondent adds.

Meanwhile seven people also died on Friday in a series of bombings in the western town of Khalidya in Anbar province.

The attacks reportedly targeted the homes of police officers and a judge.

Anbar province is more peaceful now than it was a few years ago, when it was at the centre of Iraq's Sunni insurgency.

But relatively small-scale bombings of this kind are still common and often blamed on - but rarely claimed by - al-Qaeda or its affiliates.
I'm for that as well (well for most things at the State level at least), but imo the bill seems to be going a bit to far/is a bit unreasonable.
I'm for that as well (well for most things at the State level at least), but imo the bill seems to be going a bit to far/is a bit unreasonable.

Personally I'm interested to see what effect it has on the immigrant situation there. I know it's not the ideal solution to the problem, but I'm not sure there really is an ideal solution, so criminalising illegal immigration in one state seems like a worthy experiment to me.

I'm really just fucking sick of everyone expecting our broken-ass federal government to handle all the problems that it obviously can't handle, many of which it probably shouldn't be attempting to handle in the first place.
Personally I'm interested to see what effect it has on the immigrant situation there. I know it's not the ideal solution to the problem, but I'm not sure there really is an ideal solution, so criminalising illegal immigration in one state seems like a worthy experiment to me.

I'm really just fucking sick of everyone expecting our broken-ass federal government to handle all the problems that it obviously can't handle, many of which it probably shouldn't be attempting to handle in the first place.

I'm all for criminalising it, as I am against illegal immigration, however the bill basically means that any hispanic can be pulled over or stopped due to any suspicions of them being an illegal. And if they didn't have identification or their papers then they'd be off to jail, whether or not they're a citizen, illegal, or resident alien.
Yeah, it's pretty fucking bullshit.

"You're brown? Well that's alright... but you're awfully greasy... hmmmmm..... book him."
The fear of calling a spade a spade is ridiculous in this country. There aren't black and white people (at least in 99.9% of cases) illegally immigrating from Mexico/South America. It's Hispanics. What other sorts of profiling do you geniuses suggest? And I say this being married to a daughter of a legal mexican immigrant, and she looks hispanic.

The reason they even had to put this clause in, was because the the Mexican groups trying to sue for descrimination/profiling by the police on behalf of ILLEGALS in some cases, as well as citizens who were checked.

If we used the military for actually protecting our borders instead of killing shepherds and farmers in shitty countries, we wouldn't have to pass legislation like this.
The reason that blacks and other fine European dandies aren't illegally immigrating is because of geographic proximity. Mexico is closest. Hell, if Africa was at our doorstep - somehow aligned with Mexico - the legislation would target both blacks and Mexicans because that is, geographically, the most concentrated ethnicity running to the border for a chance at betterment.

We could also just not racially profile people, that would be cool. Maybe we can make the legal ones wear some sort of band or star or something on their clothing so we'll know not to throw them the fuck out of this fine country like dirty animals.
Well apparently, according to the stats from your own state, betterment means joining a gang/going to jail for the free food and tv.

The same people who won't follow the law for admittance, also won't follow it for other things. The majority come here for the free handouts. If we would put the military on the border and cut the welfare bullshit, illegal immigration would plummet. But (conspiracy theory alert), TPTB want America destablized and economically destroyed, and mass influx of welfare sucking, nonloyal people into the populace is the easiest way to do it.

Once America officially recognizes it can't afford the handouts anymore and the situation here detriorates, there will be a mass exodus from this country.

Edit: Thanks for explaining why it's Hispanics and not other races/nationalities illegally immigrating, I am sure no one here had any idea why this was happening. :rolleyes:
You do know that Mexicans are not the only illegal immigrants, right? Shit, the Chinese (and many other nationalities) come through the Mexican border because it is much easier than going through Canada(but it is not unheard of for many to take that route).

And I didn't just point out that "Mexico is south lol", Mexico is the prime staging area for anyone who wants to get in because both governments are fucking shit up royally. Mexico refuses to fix its shitty system and America is too fucking apathetic when it comes to the affairs of citizens and illegals (i.e. it doesn't take care of either - there are multiple reasons for this, so I'll leave this as a general statement). God forbid we cut the massive defense budget for all the black box operations. Let's just cut education and every single other fucking thing that is beneficial to the advancement of our country. Also, it's completely false to say the only reason illegals come here is for free handouts - that's bullshit; the majority come for work. Creating a better work program, not charging immigrants an obscene amount of money to take tests, and creating an easier path to legalization/dual citizenship are ways you could go about fixing the situation... without racial profiling.

It wouldn't matter if we had military on the border. As it is, illegal immigration will never cease being a problem because Mexico, as country, is pathetic and corrupt. When the only alternative is to either head to Brazil and pray you can find something menial, or head to America and make fucking bank for your family, it should be obvious where one will head. Military or no, illegals will find a way through. The only way to stop it is to somehow get Mexico to pull its collective head out of its ass and get to work making a better country.
You do know that Mexicans are not the only illegal immigrants, right? Shit, the Chinese (and many other nationalities) come through the Mexican border because it is much easier than going through Canada(but it is not unheard of for many to take that route).

And I didn't just point out that "Mexico is south lol", Mexico is the prime staging area for anyone who wants to get in because both governments are fucking shit up royally. Mexico refuses to fix its shitty system and America is too fucking apathetic when it comes to the affairs of citizens and illegals (i.e. it doesn't take care of either - there are multiple reasons for this, so I'll leave this as a general statement). God forbid we cut the massive defense budget for all the black box operations. Let's just cut education and every single other fucking thing that is beneficial to the advancement of our country.

I agree in general.

Also, it's completely false to say the only reason illegals come here is for free handouts - that's bullshit; the majority come for work. Creating a better work program, not charging immigrants an obscene amount of money to take tests, and creating an easier path to legalization/dual citizenship are ways you could go about fixing the situation... without racial profiling.

You have zero evidence to back that statement up. What can be roughly estimated is how much illegal aliens are costing border state taxpayers, and it is a lot. A quick google will yield this info.

It wouldn't matter if we had military on the border. As it is, illegal immigration will never cease being a problem because Mexico, as country, is pathetic and corrupt. When the only alternative is to either head to Brazil and pray you can find something menial, or head to America and make fucking bank for your family, it should be obvious where one will head. Military or no, illegals will find a way through. The only way to stop it is to somehow get Mexico to pull its collective head out of its ass and get to work making a better country.

Mexico is the sum of it's people, just like any nation. When it's citizens take control of the country again instead of just leaving it to the US BACKED CORRUPT GOVERNMENT, and the US/INTERNATIONAL FOREIGN POLICY CREATED DRUG CARTELS, then they would have a decent country. The government of the US is activily assisting the disintigration of Mexico as well it's own national disintigration to give birth to a NAU. It's rapidly approaching, if the US doesn't just fracture first.
You have zero evidence to back that statement up. What can be roughly estimated is how much illegal aliens are costing border state taxpayers, and it is a lot. A quick google will yield this info.

The sources I have are a shit ton of documentaries done within the last 20 years, the recent only a a year or so old. I have no way to rip that shit and host it illegally, so here are texts:

Immigrants Come Here Because Globalization Took Their Jobs Back There

Open Doors Don't Invite Criminals

The funny thing is, with the last documentary released that I have, they talk about illegal Mexican immigration being at its lowest point for all time, due to the combination of the shitty economy and the increased effectiveness of the border patrol. Even funnier, many Mexican illegals are working in New York now, due to the greater distribution of jobs.

Of course, when we do pick someone up at the border, then we have to deal with the cost of processing and sending back said immigrants. Sending an illegal Mexican back to Mexico is useless, and we might as well just let them walk back in anyway (because the Mexican government actually creates maps of safe routes and drinkable water locations to make it safely across the the border, and another pamphlet on how to get a job). Things can be done in a much more efficient way if we stop focusing on closing the border to all people and focus on a better process to make people legally able to be here.
Well the first thing you posted points out how bad NAFTA has been and I couldn't agree more.
Globalization is bad for the little guys and NAFTA is the regional advance party.

Washington is accomplice with the big businesses and the Mexican government destabilizing the region and trying to keep people distracted with race issues. It is bigger than that.

I never said all illegal immigrants come here to do crime/soak up welfare checks, but a huge chunk do. I can go down to the local Social Security office or jail and easily witness that.

As I said earlier, I expect America to be equally shitty as Mexico (or more likely worse) by the end of the decade if current national/regional/global plan continues un-impeded, so focusing on making the entry process easier is as much a non-solution to the whole problem as putting up a fence was.
2 Chicago state reps: Bring in the National Guard

2 Chicago state reps: Bring in the National Guard
April 25, 2010 10:48 PM | 278 Comments | UPDATED STORY

State Representatives John Fritchey and LaShawn Ford along with Willie Williams ((from left), who lost his son to gun violence, call for help in Chicago from the Illinois National Guard during a press conference today at the Thompson Center. (Nancy Stone/ Chicago Tribune)

Two state representatives called on Gov. Pat Quinn Sunday to deploy the Illinois National Guard to safeguard Chicago's streets.

Chicago Democrats John Fritchey and LaShawn Ford said they want Quinn, Mayor Richard Daley and Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis to allow guardsmen to patrol streets and help quell violence. Weis said he did not support the idea because the military and police operate under different rules.

"Is this a drastic call to action? Of course it is," Fritchey said. "Is it warranted when we are losing residents to gun violence at such an alarming rate? Without question. We are not talking about rolling tanks down the street or having armed guards on each corner."

What he envisions, Fritchey said, is a "heightened presence on the streets," particularly on the roughly 9 percent of city blocks where most of the city's violent crimes occur.

Weis previously identified those "hot spots" and said he plans to create a 100-person team made up of selected and volunteer police personnel to respond to crime there. If guardsmen were to assist police, they could comprise or contribute to that force, Fritchey said.

So far this year, 113 people have been killed across Chicago, the same number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined in the same period, Fritchey said.

"As we speak, National Guard members are working side-by-side with our troops to fight a war halfway around the world," Fritchey said. "The unfortunate reality is that we have another war that is just as deadly taking place right in our backyard." While the National Guard has been deployed in other states to prevent violence related to specific events and protests, the Chicago legislators said they are unaware of guardsmen being deployed to assist with general urban unrest.

Weis countered that the only scenario in which the National Guard would be helpful is in the situation of a tornado, earthquake or flood. If the military were brought in to help with city violence, they wouldn't answer to police command -- creating a "major disconnect" in mission and strategy.

Alluding to the 1970 Kent State University incident where the National Guard was called in and protestors and students were shot, Weis said having guardsmen handle crime could be "disastrous." But he said if the Daley suggested it, he would consider the option.

"I'm open to anything that reduces violence. But I have concerns when you mix law enforcement and the military," Weis said.

But Fritchey and Ford said prompt action is needed because summer is right around the corner and with the warm weather comes an increase in violence.

Fritchey and Ford serve two different constituencies, representing the North Side and the West Side respectively. "One half of this city views this as a part of daily life," Fritchey said. "Another part of the city doesn't care because it doesn't affect them." Yet the lawmakers said they are coming together because gun violence should be a priority to all Chicagoans.

"No help is too much help" Ford said. "This is not just about the murders. It's about the crime. It's about people being stabbed, robbed and in the hospital on life support."

Fritchey said he spoke to representatives from Quinn's office about deploying guardsmen and they "seemed open to the idea." The lawmakers had yet to speak to Weis or the mayor's office.

"I don't anticipate the governor implementing it over the objection of the mayor," Fritchey said.

"I hope this doesn't become a territorial issue. I hope this doesn't become an ego issue. This isn't about public relations or politics. This is about reclaiming our communities."

-- Kristen Mack and Daarel Burnette II