Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

if you had said "black chick" i wouldn't have said anything. hard to read intentions on the internet, though you can always edit posts and claim you meant something else/made a typo in this safe haven of pixels. you mean "civilians" right?

and yeah i gotta back up cythraul on this. the police exist to enforce the law, but the law is not always right.

Oh I see what you did. I didn't mean "black chicks" as in all black women across the globe. I meant "black chicks" as in the two stupid bitches in the video. Ya feel me?
oh you silly goose. no one is trying to argue that traffic safety laws are unjust or should be broken and it is a pretty cro-magnon argument tactic to get all weaselly like that KD.
With all the other crime issues in Seattle, it's nice to know that cop was focusing on the real threat of JAYWALKERS and their vicious friends.
Dead cops

Down on the street
Giving poor the heat
With their clubs and guns
Doin' it all for fun

Dead Cops

Big bad and blue
They're in the Klan too
Brutality is their sport
We'll put 'em to the torch

Dead Cops

Dead Cops

Watcha gonna do
The Mafia in blue
Huntin' for queers
my pals and you

Dead cops

Time for a switch
Army of the rich
Macho fuckin' slaves
We'll piss on your graves
Don't fight cops and you won't get beat up.

I agree with this, but not because I believe it's right. There's not much we can do when faced with the long arm of the law, but cops are not always in the right. Sometimes they need to be put in line.

With all the other crime issues in Seattle, it's nice to know that cop was focusing on the real threat of JAYWALKERS and their vicious friends.

Some friends and I were once "detained" by some police officers while walking to a party and carrying some beer. A few people were under age, so they stopped us and made us line up while they called their superior. Finally the guy arrived and asked what the problem was. When they told him, he said "The only problem I have is that they're under age." When we informed him that some of us were over 21 (in fact, most of us were), he exclaimed. "Oh. Then what's the fucking problem? At least they're walking and not driving." He basically said that as long as the people over 21 carried the alcohol, he didn't care. He fucking put those other two assholes in their place.
I agree with this, but not because I believe it's right. There's not much we can do when faced with the long arm of the law, but cops are not always in the right. Sometimes they need to be put in line.

Of course cops aren't always right, no one is, not even the immortal Dodens no matter how many times cookiecutter proclaims it.

Some friends and I were once "detained" by some police officers while walking to a party and carrying some beer. A few people were under age, so they stopped us and made us line up while they called their superior. Finally the guy arrived and asked what the problem was. When they told him, he said "The only problem I have is that they're under age." When we informed him that some of us were over 21 (in fact, most of us were), he exclaimed. "Oh. Then what's the fucking problem? At least they're walking and not driving." He basically said that as long as the people over 21 carried the alcohol, he didn't care. He fucking put those other two assholes in their place.

Hold the phone...you were going to a party with underage people carrying booze and you think the cops that stopped you are assholes for that? waaaaat
Hold the phone...you were going to a party with underage people carrying booze and you think the cops that stopped you are assholes for that? waaaaat

Yes, because under age drinking in TAMPA is the least of their fucking worries. Under age drinking by 18-20 year olds, especially if no one is even driving, is no big fucking deal, and you have your head on backwards if you think so.

The point is, they wasted their superior's time when they all could have been doing more important fucking things. They just wanted to try and bust some kids for providing alcohol to "under age" drinkers (who were no younger than 18 to begin with). It's a fucking joke.
Why don't you try looking at the situation from their perspective instead of your own. Maybe then you'd understand why those cops did what they did. That's all I'm saying man. My personal beliefs are irrelevant tbh.
I'm looking at it from an objective viewpoint and coming to the conclusion that it was a waste of not only our time, but their time too. Explain to me why you think, from their perspective, some college kids walking to a party with a couple eighteen packs would pose an imminent threat.
Riot mars Lakers championship win; parade route planned

Joshua Lott/Reuters
Fires and violence rocked downtown Los Angeles after the Lakers championship win on Thursday.
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Ron Nurwisah June 18, 2010 – 10:24 am

Despite a heavy police presence outside the Staples Centre in Los Angeles, violence still broke out after the Lakers Game 7 win against the Boston Celtics on Thursday night.

According to media reports, at least a dozen people were arrested, cars were damaged and firefighters had to put out a few fires, but there was no loss of life.

From the Los Angeles Times:

In all, there were multiple injuries but no loss of life, officials said. One police officer suffered a broken nose. As night wore on, fire crews responded to many rubbish fires and some vehicle fires, according to the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The LAPD declared an unlawful assembly moments after the game ended.

Hundreds of officers in patrol cars, on foot and on horseback moved in to clear streets and break up the crowds. At least 12 people were arrested for crimes including public drunkenness, vandalism and inciting a riot. One person was arrested for assault on a police officer, authorities said.
Local city blog LAist has a photo gallery of police trying to quell rioters. Sadly, sports-related riots is nothing new for L.A. Riots also broke out in 2009 after the Lakers beat the Orlando Magic in the NBA championship.

Last night’s violence hasn’t changed plans for a parade to celebrate the Lakers’ 16th NBA title. The parade is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. PT, Monday, June 21st and will start at the Staples Center.

From the Lakers website:

Beginning at approximately 11 a.m. (PDT), Lakers players and their families will board the customized float at STAPLES Center, and begin winding their way down South Figueroa Street toward the USC campus before turning east on Jefferson Boulevard at the Galen Center to complete the parade. A convoy of double-decker, open-air buses and other attending vehicles will carry Lakers coaches and staff, members of the Buss family ownership group, team officials, and the Laker Girls to the conclusion of the two-mile route.
Officials are estimating that anywhere from 500,000 to two million fans will line the streets for the parade.

I guess fans don't learn from past events, like the Bulls, Red Sox, Broncos, Belgian, Habs, and tons of futball/soccer riots.
Why don't you try looking at the situation from their perspective instead of your own. Maybe then you'd understand why those cops did what they did. That's all I'm saying man. My personal beliefs are irrelevant tbh.

Cops Perspective:

Cop 1: You want to go check out those gunshots in the shitty part of town?

Cop2: Not yet man, give it an hour or two for the shooters to clear out. That shit is dangerous. Let's go bother those teenagers. Put on your tough face.

im glad a marine believes in standards


I don't get it. Is this something about how if the military replaced the police force, the Army would be the traffic cops?