Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Well, they did have to, because the MMS and all other regulatory commissions failed them. And, they had no technology in place to do anything about it.
Why is BP being allowed to control the cleanup? Why is the media by and large being kept out of the affected areas?

What's being covered up is the worst non-natural disaster in the history of the world, and the affected population isn't being informed that they are about to lose everything.

That. Was. Awesome.

Cop: 1
black chicks: 0

I have no problem with that guy clocking that stupid bitch in the face. I don't care what sex, race, or age the person is. When you start assaulting a police officer when he's just doing his duty by detaining someone who committed a crime, you better expect to get your ass whooped in some form or another.

Pretty soon we'll be hearing from all the racist twats like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton about how this officer needs fired because he's a racist, woman beating cop.
Totally, in fact he should have shot her in the face instead. That's what she deserves for touching a cop anyway amirite? She won't do that again.
Let's not pretend like women are untouchable demigods who are to be worshiped 24/7. I'm not saying the cop should have kept wailing on her, but punching a psycho bitch once for impeding in your duties shouldn't ruin someone's life, which is what is probably going to happen.

I'm not condoning the random beating of women at all. But if someone is that stupid to think they can get away with fighting a cop, not even that, starting a fight with a guy and expect that all he does is just stand there and take it deserves what they get, and then some.

oh noes KD is an being an insensitive dick again!
I'd say that it's quite often the cops that deserve to get punched in the face. These are the sorts of guys that routinely terrorize ordinary, peaceful citizens. There should never, ever be a presumption in favor of cops. Anyway, in this case the dude had a right to defend himself, but whatever.
That's funny because I've never been terrorized, neither has anyone I know, especially for being an "ordinary, peaceful citizen." If you aren't doing stupid shit then the police won't mess with you.

I don't understand why you are using the "fuck the cops mang they're all corrupt assholes!" card.

That. Was. Awesome.

Cop: 1
black chicks: 0

I have no problem with that guy clocking that stupid bitch in the face. I don't care what sex, race, or age the person is. When you start assaulting a police officer when he's just doing his duty by detaining someone who committed a crime, you better expect to get your ass whooped in some form or another.

Pretty soon we'll be hearing from all the racist twats like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton about how this officer needs fired because he's a racist, woman beating cop.

what the fuck does this have to do with "black chicks" as a demographic? i fucking HATE how so many people treat this and "epic beard man" as some kind of victory for white people.

i agree that women can and should be physically restrained when they attack people and while i didn't see the video on accounta i'm at work if she really did assault the cop, what the f did she expect was going to happen?

and while i respect soldiers and cops for volunteering to do things most of us are too chicken shit to do, they're just regular people (or sub-regular) who make mistakes, and i have met my fair share of soldiers and cops who are lowlife dicks. especially the city of poughkeepsie cops who make pickup attempts when pulling you over.
That's funny because I've never been terrorized, neither has anyone I know, especially for being an "ordinary, peaceful citizen."

You are being willfully ignorant. Let me ask you this: Would you consider it good reasoning if I replied to a claim that lots of car accidents happen by claiming that neither I nor anyone I know has been in a car accident?

If you aren't doing stupid shit then the police won't mess with you.

Because all existing laws are just and reasonable and cops only ever mess with people that are guilty of something, right?
Because they're chicks who happen to be black? You're reading way too far into what I'm saying here. I should have just referred to them as "citizens" to cover my ass because calling them chicks is sexist and whatnot. Oh wait, that's females, woops.
if you had said "black chick" i wouldn't have said anything. hard to read intentions on the internet, though you can always edit posts and claim you meant something else/made a typo in this safe haven of pixels. you mean "civilians" right?

and yeah i gotta back up cythraul on this. the police exist to enforce the law, but the law is not always right.
You are being willfully ignorant. Let me ask you this: Would you consider it good reasoning if I replied to a claim that lots of car accidents happen by claiming that neither I nor anyone I know has been in a car accident?

This really isn't that complicated. If you aren't putting yourself in bad situations, you shouldn't have any problems. I go out and get drunk, walk around in public acting like a tool in downtown Indy and Broad Ripple all the time. However, the last time I ever talked to a cop who was questioning me was back when I was in high school for speeding (8 or so years ago).

I'm trying my best not to sound self-righteous, because I can't stand it when people act like that. But what else can I say? I just don't put myself in extremely bad situations. Whether you have or not, I don't know, however I am curious as to why you have this chip on your shoulder.

Because all existing laws are just and reasonable and cops only ever mess with people that are guilty of something, right?

So you think it's merely coincidental that people are busted multiple times for possession, dui, suspended license, speeding, etc, etc etcetcetcecetc?

Whether the laws are just or not is irrelevant. If you break the law, you are inherently taking the risk that if you are to be caught you will suffer the consequences. Ultimately that's your problem. If you want to take it out on the cop that busted you then go right ahead, but you're going to have a hard time convincing me to see it from your perspective when you were in the wrong from the get go, no matter how just or unjust the existing law is.

Seriously, how can someone justify getting pissed off about getting a speeding ticket if you were actually speeding? It makes no sense and is just dumb.