Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

Terrafugia Flying Car Approved by FAA, Will Be Available Next Year

Popular Science said:
Late next year, you'll be able to buy your own flying car -- er, "roadable aircraft" -- thanks to a thumbs-up from the Federal Aviation Administration. As long as you have $194,000 and a sport pilot license.

The agency approved the Transition plane-car this week, giving it a Light Sport Aircraft rating. The test prototype has been flying for about a year, but plane-maker Terrafugia will unveil its production-class plane next month at the Experimental Aircraft Association's annual convention in Oshkosh, Wisc.

The Transition drives like a car, uses normal high-octane gasoline, has front-wheel-drive and even comes with airbags. Its fuel economy is about 30 miles per gallon. But unlike your Prius, it can unfold its wings and fly. You'll only need a one-third of a mile strip for a runway, meaning you could conceivably use your own street. It is powered by a rear propeller and flies about 115 miles per hour.

The ideal customer is a sport pilot who gets tired of flying to regional regional airports only to have to wait for a cab, rent a car or use public transportation. Now he or she can just fold up the wings and motor on to the next errand.

It won't be ideal for cargo trips -- it only holds about 460 pounds, including fuel and passengers -- but for sport pilots on short jaunts, it's a one-vehicle solution.

The Transition uses normal fuel, making it the greenest plane in the sky, Terrafugia says. And potentially one of the safest -- if the weather turns bad, the plane can land and drive home instead.

Five former MIT students, all of them pilots, founded Terrafugia in 2006. The plane's FAA approval had been delayed because it weighs too much for the Light Sport Aircraft designation, but the aviation agency gave it an exemption this month. It needed a few extra pounds to accommodate the airbag system and a safety cage, Terrafugia says.

The retail version of the Transition should be available by late 2011. The company has already received 70 orders.
I am more concerned about chamber pressure fluctuation triggered tsunamis or fracturing triggering the New Madrid fault than methane issues outside of obvious lethality to the Gulf ecosystem.

Also, the dispersant being used is more toxic than whats coming out of the earth by 4-5x, and they keep using the shit.
The Tea Party as an organization has been hijacked, but plenty of people are still going to be voting more carefully now and that is why the media continues to attack the idea of anyone protesting the current political status quo. (Not that it matters, it's who/what is counting the votes that matters.)

Ironically if there was a "Tea Party" in Iran the media would be lauding it. Of course, it would probably be CIA/MI5-6/Mossad instigated, so.......

9 States join in supporting Arizona

I love how it's tried to be spun as a Republican thing. Michigan, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania are generally "blue" states.
Feds to monitor obesity, Obama's cook promoted to senior position

Good job Obama Administration. Track people's BMI, possibly the most worthless formula in the world, while increasing your personal chef's pay and giving him a fancy title.

Russia and China must be trembling at your adept leadership.

That kind of stuff happens with white house staff all the time. Stop reading Fox news.

And monitoring peoples BMI is a good thing. People need to lose weight.
Sure, but it's a huge drain on the economy when morbidly obese people need medical care. I think if you eat yourself to death you should have to pay for your own shit

I mean, come on you republicans are all over the deficit, but criticize this move? It's only happening because obesity is really hurting the economy.