Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

It's not a double standard because African Americans need their agenda pushed. They are undeniably in an unequal position in our society. Creating a white organization would obviously viewed poorly because white people are generally much more well off. Also remember that the NAACP was founded in like 1908 or something like that.

Are they now? I doubt statistics would back you up, especially when you consider that any case where statistics may show a larger percentage of blacks in prison/on the government dole, this is merely blacks getting something for nothing from a majority of white people, as is public education. Something for free cannot be underrated. Of course though, you get what you pay for.

As far as the being around for 100 years thing, the NAACP is the perfect example of an activist organization that has outlived it's original purpose, and to maintain relevance(funding), has to do stupid shit like label the Tea Party as racist. The Tea Party might at this point be a Republican manipulated dead end movement at this point, but to label it racist is absurd.

But all the fatasses on staff for the NAACP need to keep getting a check for nothing, so we have to discuss this bullshit.

I believe I said it "isn't a good thing". What I am trying to say is that reacting in the same way is inappropriate considering the differing societal positions of the groups involved.

You just contradicated yourself (again). The fact that you see these issues as racial instead of in terms of economic/education demographics (race excluded) puts you on the racist side of the line, or at best in a gray area in between.
Dude come on. I may regret asking this, but why do you think the NAACP is racist?

Kewl, and I do not disagree with you. It exists and isn't a good thing, but it's blown out of proportion. It often seems like conservative media desire it so much so they can play the victim for once, when so often it was conservatives (and liberals but conservatives were/are worse) who are the biggest proponents of racism. White people complaining about reverse racism is like the Yankees complaining that the Tampa Bay Rays beat them. No one likes to get beaten, but come on, they're the Rays and you're the Yankees.

I disagree. Every time some occurrence of reverse racism is on some news page, in the comments section black people will be saying things like like 'well if white people had been taken as slaves for hundreds of years and had their lands taken over then it could be called racism'.

Um, learn the rest of history you fuck tard, millions of white people have been enslaved and large parts of Europe have been conquered by muslims at various points in history.

Also, to bring this more in line with the North American present day context, can anyone actually present any evidence to support the notion that rich white people like, and care about poor white people. With the definition of white being from a black person's perspective, not the rich white guy's. If that's not clear I mean some pale south american white people and people like muslim Albanians and Turk immigrants are included.
It's not a double standard because African Americans need their agenda pushed. They are undeniably in an unequal position in our society. Creating a white organization would obviously viewed poorly because white people are generally much more well off. Also remember that the NAACP was founded in like 1908 or something like that.

Well, I don't agree with this. They don't need their agenda pushed in such a way that only reinforces racial tendencies and biases. The fact that the group is called the "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People" just encourages racial division. There's absolutely no reason for it to be called so. White criminals are beaten too, but we hear about the black beatings because the lawyers in the NAACP know they can make a fucking soap box out of the incident.
Are they now? I doubt statistics would back you up, especially when you consider that any case where statistics may show a larger percentage of blacks in prison/on the government dole, this is merely blacks getting something for nothing from a majority of white people, as is public education. Something for free cannot be underrated. Of course though, you get what you pay for.
I don't understand this. The fact that African Americans are represented at a higher percentage in prison and on welfare is evidence of their being generally less well off minority group. The fact that they have to get "something for nothing" is evidence that they are not in a position to get it themselves. Or do you believe that people on welfare are just lazy assholes feeding off people like you? I'm not going to argue that they're all pathetic saints that would be great if only they had a chance, but I don't accept the opposite extreme either. Also, characterizing incarceration as getting "something for nothing" is a little odd.
You just contradicated yourself (again). The fact that you see these issues as racial instead of in terms of economic/education demographics (race excluded) puts you on the racist side of the line, or at best in a gray area in between.
What do you mean? I most definitely support the notion advanced by the women who was fired in the original story, that poverty, not race was the issue to be tackled. However it is undeniable that african americans, through their unique history in our country, compose a unique subculture. You yourself have often talked with disdain about some aspects of this subculture. I think that this creates unique challenges that I hope organizations like the NAACP are trying to resolve. Pointing out racism in the Tea Party (which I think is there but that's another topic) might be a PR move, but they have done so many good things in the past, I'll forgive some of that from them. Poverty is an issue that affects people of all races, but to ignore race completely in your solutions to it would likely create an overly broad and flawed outcome.
I don't understand this. The fact that African Americans are represented at a higher percentage in prison and on welfare is evidence of their being generally less well off minority group. The fact that they have to get "something for nothing" is evidence that they are not in a position to get it themselves. Or do you believe that people on welfare are just lazy assholes feeding off people like you? I'm not going to argue that they're all pathetic saints that would be great if only they had a chance, but I don't accept the opposite extreme either. Also, characterizing incarceration as getting "something for nothing" is a little odd.

You obviously didn't grow up around a majority of people on welfare/food stamps. The availability of food stamps alone is ridiculous. At least E-7 and down in the military rate that shit, and E-7s make in the neighborhood of 60k a year. My family rates it and we have been under all kinds of pressure to take it from my wifes superiors, and we aren't fucking doing it. Would it be nice to not have to pay for our food and use that money to buy some video games or guns or what the hell ever? Sure. But it's fucking stealing, and it's going on all over the place.

However it is undeniable that african americans, through their unique history in our country, compose a unique subculture. You yourself have often talked with disdain about some aspects of this subculture. I think that this creates unique challenges that I hope organizations like the NAACP are trying to resolve. Pointing out racism in the Tea Party (which I think is there but that's another topic) might be a PR move, but they have done so many good things in the past, I'll forgive some of that from them. Poverty is an issue that affects people of all races, but to ignore race completely in your solutions to it would likely create an overly broad and flawed outcome.

As I have stated many times, any activist organization doesn't actually want to achieve total success, or really even moderate success, because it is working themselves out of a job. Labeling something as "Racist" doesn't accomplish anything of substance, but it will get you press and funding, and increases racism on your own side of the fence.

If you have to take race into your economic (or any other beyond maybe what food to bring to a picnic) considerations, it is racism. The absence of racism is to be colorblind. It is the very people that insist on making race an issue over all others that are the worst racists.
You obviously didn't grow up around a majority of people on welfare/food stamps. The availability of food stamps alone is ridiculous. At least E-7 and down in the military rate that shit, and E-7s make in the neighborhood of 60k a year. My family rates it and we have been under all kinds of pressure to take it from my wifes superiors, and we aren't fucking doing it. Would it be nice to not have to pay for our food and use that money to buy some video games or guns or what the hell ever? Sure. But it's fucking stealing, and it's going on all over the place.

Well, it takes apparently takes Marines a lot longer to get promoted, so younger families are still making around 20 grand a year after 4-5 years in...hard to raise multiple children on that.
Mathiäs;9241490 said:
Well, it takes apparently takes Marines a lot longer to get promoted, so younger families are still making around 20 grand a year after 4-5 years in...hard to raise multiple children on that.

Obviously you haven't seen a DoD paychart in the last 10-20 years.
Obviously you haven't seen a DoD paychart in the last 10-20 years.

Well an E-3 makes around 1649 a month. That's around $19000. I have a few friends that joined the Marine Corps and they said the promotion rate is slower than that of other services too.
Mathiäs;9241516 said:
Well an E-3 makes around 1649 a month. That's around $19000. I have a few friends that joined the Marine Corps and they said the promotion rate is slower than that of other services too.

That's base pay. That doesn't take into account BAH (generally 1-1.5k a month depending on location for an E-3),BAS (food allowance, generally around 300$(both nontaxable), and free 100% medical coverage, besides the other freebies that come with being a service member.

My wife and I are supporting 2 cars (even my mammoth truck being one), a kid, and eating hella good on her pay as an E-3, and here's an E-7 with at least 8 years in taking food stamps.
I'm really tired of the whole mentality that "the white man" has it so good and "the black man" is oppressed bullshit. Get a job, get a fucking education, DO SOMETHING with your life instead of acting like a thug and living in the fucking hood and maybe you wouldn't be so oppressed. Lord knows you've got plenty of opportunity to do so, especially from the government and various other organizations out there wanting to help "the oppressed black man." The existence of the NAACP does nothing but perpetuate this bullshit and plants a stigma in the mind of "the black man" that his life is just so bad and he needs someone "fighting" for his "equal rights" so that he can have a life on par with "the white man." ugh...
Mathiäs;9247026 said:
If North Korea doesn't want to get totally destroyed, I think they should probably just shut up

The only thing North Korea has to worry about is if the US uses nukes (which won't happen unless they are retarded and use them first), otherwise, we are already to stretched to actually do anything to them.