Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

The fact that someone with such an ignorance of the fundamentals of reality could even be considered as a candidate disheartens me

I'm surprised then that you didn't attempt suicide when Bush got elected :erk: and re-elected :erk: x2
What scares me is that we could stand to potentially be under the rule of only 2 elite families for a span of TWENTY EIGHT years.
I did. It sounded perfectly sensible and i'm sure most politicians think the same way, but they just don't externalize it because it would be rather harmful for their campaign.
I LOVE sausage and sauerkraut!
holy fuck that sounds good right now!

Did someone say sour kraut?
I really did not feel that bad (and still do not) about voting Bush in the last election. He had not done anything too catastrophic at the time, and Kerry did not make a good case at all for his presidency.

I will do everything in my power to make sure Hilary Clinton does not win this next one though. We shouldn't be an oligarchy here. I reluctantly support Obama. I worry about his experience.
Well he did lead us into an unnecessary war by then which was pretty big you know, but whatever.

And of course he accused John McCain of having a minority child out of wedlock when OMFG IT WAS ADOPTED WHAT A SCUMBAG which, while patently untrue, may very well have cost McCain the primary in 2000, thereby greatly effecting world history.

And...well yeah, a lot of other completely retarded shit which if he'd done in France would have sparked the seven thousandth French Revolution.


In other American economic news:
Dollar falls to another euro low

The dollar has fallen to yet another all-time low against the euro, after further weak US economic data.

Figures showed that US consumer confidence has fallen to a near two-year low, while house prices have seen the sharpest drop in 16 years.

Analysts said the data boosted expectations that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates still further.

In early trading, the euro hit a high of $1.4162, before pulling back to $1.4123 by mid-afternoon in Europe.

'Anti-dollar momentum'

The Fed cut US interest rates to 4.75% from 5.25% last week, in a move aimed at restoring confidence in both the housing and financial markets.

Graph showing the Euro v the dollar

It was the first US rate cut in four years.

"Momentum to sell the dollar remains strong," said Hideaki Inoue, foreign exchange manager at Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking in Tokyo.

In further bad news for the US economy on Wednesday, orders for durable goods, which include everything from washing machines to commercial jets, fell by a bigger-than-expected 4.9%.

The high value of the euro has caused concern among European exporters, as it makes their products more expensive in the US.

Planemaker Airbus has already warned that jobs could be affected if the euro remains so strong.

Certainly makes me feel special.
I will do everything in my power to make sure Hilary Clinton does not win this next one though. We shouldn't be an oligarchy here. I reluctantly support Obama. I worry about his experience.

Too late, the presidency has been ruled by families for quite a while. And why do you think Obama is inexperienced when compared to Clinton? She came into the senate in 2000, whereas Obama came in 1996, and was elected to the house in 2004.

If you want to cite her being first lady as experience...well then go right ahead. If you do that though, you have to include the whitewater scandal, and all the other fuckups that happened (not to mention she "didn't know" about Bill's affairs....which had been going on before he was even president). She's the only first lady I know of that has been subpoenaed. The fact is though she is a liar, and probably a decepticon in disguise.
I really did not feel that bad (and still do not) about voting Bush in the last election. He had not done anything too catastrophic at the time, and Kerry did not make a good case at all for his presidency.
:erk: Last I checked the Iraq war began in 03. He is a terrible president who has actively worked to subvert the Constitution and was a utter scumbag in both elections, both the McCain thing and the Swiftboat Veterans for "Truth". John Kerry was a war veteran who had the courage to protest an unjust and costly war once. You don't think we needed someone like that? Yeah he's stodgy and boring, but at least he's not a retarded asshole.

Other shitty Bush things include Gay Marriage ban, Stem Cell research ban, No Child Left Behind, Tax Cuts... I could go on