Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

yo @Dak, i heard you calculated and made up an IQ score for yourself in the 160's(lmao) and then got called out on in later when you said that you never actually took an IQ test. :lol: Is this true?

Not to my knowledge. Unless I drunk posted some bullshit like 8-10 years ago. It's true I have not taken an IQ test, but I have taken other tests with high correlations with IQ test results and I also give IQ tests, and my best informed estimate is in the range of 125-130.

Edit: I think I posted about GRE correlations, and I have a super high IQ correlation with the verbal subtest, but not with the quantitative, and I explained that. If someone wants to run with a single sentence and ignore everything else that's on them.
Not to my knowledge. Unless I drunk posted some bullshit like 8-10 years ago. It's true I have not taken an IQ test, but I have taken other tests with high correlations with IQ test results and I also give IQ tests, and my best informed estimate is in the range of 125-130.
so you're saying you never made up an IQ score for yourself? Or at least you don't remember doing so?
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fucking dyslexic man

"I estimated an IQ score for myself" :lol:


I don't intend to make this into a politicized gender discussion, but I can't help but wonder about the masculine dimension(s) of video games. I know there are women who play video games, but I can't but feel that most of them appeal to a "masculine" audience.

oh "estimations", i see. :lol: Are you sure you didn't make up an "estimate" in the 160s?

Do you have nothing better to do?
I don't intend to make this into a politicized gender discussion, but I can't help but wonder about the masculine dimension(s) of video games. I know there are women who play video games, but I can't but feel that most of them appeal to a "masculine" audience.

not sure there's a societal reason for women to play video games, if we're going to gender this (even more)
Most video games deal with violence, whether direct (shmups, hack and slash, fighting games etc) or indirect (sports) and that alone probably discourages a ton of women. Adventure games (and RPGs) do well with the female demo though, probably because it does its best to balance story and decision-making, in a social sense, with violence.

I think JP also made a good point when he said for women, reaching maturity is less nebulous because the biological implications are more in-their-face. Men without some kind of guidance can take their whole lives to "grow up" (big part of why they abandon pregnant s/o's) and so maybe women just realize the futility of playing video games all day much earlier on?