Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

like come to a metal forum and pretend to me some kind of smart ass like you and dak? Are you also "fairly sure" of your IQ score based on some calculation you drew up in your own head?

So you don't have anything better to do.

not sure there's a societal reason for women to play video games, if we're going to gender this (even more)

What's the societal reason for men to play video games? I'm asking seriously, I'm not sure I know.
What's the societal reason for men to play video games? I'm asking seriously, I'm not sure I know.

article says we do because we are lost and need to feel important and challenged and the community.

I think I agree with the challenge aspect, and then community a distant 2nd. I'd juxtapose video games with organized sports (as one increases and the other decreases too)
I'm not suggesting they cannot do the same things for women, just suggesting women aren't interested in using them

If you believe that men are genetically wired to show their dominance, it makes sense for them to challenge themselves. If you believe the patriarchy tells men to compete, then it makes sense.

I don't know why women would want to exert their gendered superiority this way nor do I think they have it.
what kind of "men" did you grow up around? Or are you one of those dirtbags who left their pregnant wife?

ahh so im guessing you prefer playing adventure games and RPGs?
i know a few women that play video games to relax and unwind. And i'm not talking about CIG. You guys need to get out more.

Might be time for you to hit the road in a Winnebago, you're clearly having a mental breakdown.
I'm not suggesting they cannot do the same things for women, just suggesting women aren't interested in using them

If you believe that men are genetically wired to show their dominance, it makes sense for them to challenge themselves. If you believe the patriarchy tells men to compete, then it makes sense.

I don't know why women would want to exert their gendered superiority this way nor do I think they have it.

Well, I don't believe there's any such thing as gendered superiority in nature. We assign superiority as a cultural value. But that's an aside.

I think you're right that society teaches men to compete--so that makes sense to me. I also think there's biology behind it, but I don't think biology precludes women from being aggressive.

I suppose I feel that video games market themselves to men, and that the prospect of being challenged isn't a strictly masculine feature. There could certainly be challenging video games that appeal to women, but manufacturers tend to avoid those narratives. I know that plenty of women in academia and in business love to be challenged; but maybe the representation of challenge takes on particularly gendered tropes.
Well, I don't believe there's any such thing as gendered superiority in nature. We assign superiority as a cultural value. But that's an aside.

not sure that distinction is important though.

I suppose I feel that video games market themselves to men, and that the prospect of being challenged isn't a strictly masculine feature. There could certainly be challenging video games that appeal to women, but manufacturers tend to avoid those narratives. I know that plenty of women in academia and in business love to be challenged; but maybe the representation of challenge takes on particularly gendered tropes.

you have to ask why aren't women in challenging themselves similarly to men at first. all video games are our person vs person exercises
you have to ask why aren't women in challenging themselves similarly to men at first. all video games are our person vs person exercises

"why women aren't in challenging themselves similarly to men"

I don't understand this sentence.

"all video games are our person vs. person exercises"

Unless I'm also misunderstanding this sentence, I disagree with it. Are you saying that all video games are person (i.e. player) vs. another person? Because if so, that's not correct. There are plenty of puzzle-solving video games that don't pit player against enemy.
"why women aren't in challenging themselves similarly to men"
why do games have to be gendered differently to have women achieve the same interests as men?
There are plenty of puzzle-solving video games that don't pit player against enemy.
this discussion is about men playing games to have community and challenges. puzzle games and RPGs dont fit into this mold.

so, unless we're talking about 80s asteroid and frogger wars at pizza joints, i think this should be safely ignored. or else we are adding phone games, to which I think women are half/or majority last time i heard a peep about it