Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

I seed, though. I don't make torrents but I seed them a lot, I usually upload as much as I download, which is a lot...

I hate to say it but I'm more or less a leacher these days. For a while I was seeding but then one day my internet provider temporarily cut my connection - a result of the amount I was seeding through utorrent. Apparently, there's some kind of a limit with my provider that I wasn't aware of.
I used to use them a lot, but now only just for movies really... and occasionally I use eMule which doesn't have much, but for some reasons tends to have a lot of rare stuff I can't find elsewhere.
I only download music, and not even very often anymore; I buy much more nowadays because it makes me feel good to support the labels and bands I like so they can keep doing the things I like.
because people are always getting shot by the deadly 50 cal!!!
Fucking stupid libs.
Gangs have guns, so you make it harder for law abiding peoples to get guns. idiots
California needs to fall into the Pacific.
Did you read some of the comments? Holy shit. There's absolutely no reason to have a 50 caliber gun in the hands of a civilian, period.

Why not?

Yeah, the best way to solve the problem of gang violence is to arm civilians and shoot them.

There should be no laws telling a citizen how he may or may not arm himself. I have a coworker that owns a .50 sniper rifle. We go out once in a blue moon and shoot at the tops of mountains like 4 miles away. Pointless? Sort of, but its fun. There is no reason he shouldn't be allowed to own it.

Regardless, outlawing guns with the purpose being to keep them out of the hands of criminals is retarded. We outlawed all kinds of drugs and look how well that's worked out. You can't stop existing criminal activity by just passing more laws.