Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

If he behaved anywhere near the way described in this section, he deserves to be put on trial. Bullying people around is not a legitimate way to defend your property.

So then how do you defend your property?

Edit: Also, there is a difference between intimidation and bullying. This was intimidation.
You obviously are allowed to do anything in the world as long as you are "defending your property."
Using threat of force against someone trespassing on your property seems perfectly legitimate to me. I'm sure the kicking of the woman was out of line but the specific content of what he said to those people seems irrelevant.
Well since the general consensus here, with the exception of Ozzman/Cythraul, is that it is wrong to forcefully stop/detain someone from trespassing/vandalizing/stealing etc., please post your addresses so I know where I can go to walk across a lawn and stop and take a shit whenever I want without fear. :rolleyes:
um they are still people that have families and friends and loved ones...

i know, "just what a liberal would say"! it's like the fucking cold war communist paranoia all over again. :rolleyes:
Still we got plenty more Hispanics than we need here in Illinois.
It's not about hispanics, it's about them being ILLEGALS!
They are breaking the fucking law. A law that the leaders of this country dont give a fuck about!
Makes me sick. And most of the country feels the same way. Come here legally and pay taxes and all that shit. fine.
Come here illegally and you deserve to get your ass kicked out.
So then how do you defend your property?

That all depends on what sort of defense is needed. The illegals didn't seem to be clearly threatening him, so assaulting one of them unprovoked (if that's what happened) is going too far. I would also say that making sadistic comments like "my dog is hungry for buttocks" is also pretty bad (though not as worthy of a criminal charge as assault).

Edit: Also, there is a difference between intimidation and bullying. This was intimidation.

If you don't think the above are examples of bullying, I have no idea what definition of "bullying" you're using.
That all depends on what sort of defense is needed. The illegals didn't seem to be clearly threatening him, so assaulting one of them unprovoked (if that's what happened) is going too far. I would also say that making sadistic comments like "my dog is hungry for buttocks" is also pretty bad (though not as worthy of a criminal charge as assault).

If you don't think the above are examples of bullying, I have no idea what definition of "bullying" you're using.

Somewhere you missed the point that A. They are on his property un-invited and B. They are in this country uninvited.

It's absurd that the immigrants can take this to trial when they are breaking the law every second they stand on US soil. How can they even be allowed into a courtroom? Everyone there would be eye-witnesses to a crime in progress.

It's also absurd to call defense of your property bullying in any case. Bullying would be me finding you in a public place or in YOUR residence and either harming you or threatening harm to you. You can't call it bullying when they came to him.

Like I said earlier: If you think it is perfectly fine for someone to come uninvited onto private property and do whatever they want without being stopped by any non-lethal method possible if possible,as long as the trespassers don't intend bodily harm, then I would like your address.
The fact that they are illegal aliens just makes it that much worse. It's compounded trespassing.
Goddammit Dakryn. You've just blown this entirely out of proportion, and completely ignored the importance of a punishment fitting a crime. And if you think someone who enters a country illegally forfeits all human rights by doing so, you need a new brain.
Goddammit Dakryn. You've just blown this entirely out of proportion, and completely ignored the importance of a punishment fitting a crime. And if you think someone who enters a country illegally forfeits all human rights by doing so, you need a new brain.

Where did I say or even insinuate all human rights are forfeited? They didn't, and don't need to die for trying to come over here. They need to get deported back to Mexico. I don't have a problem at all with immigrants, it's illegal immigrants I have a problem with. If they won't follow the laws of entry, it stands to reason they won't obey other laws either.

I fail to see how this is blown out of proportion (neat copout though). I does blow my mind that you somehow think this rancher commited a crime by holding trespassers on his land/country at gunpoint (how else are you going to hold them?) until the authorities arrived. What was said in between discovery/handover is really a moot point. The dude should be getting some sort of civilian hero award, not being held to trial by someone currently in the act of breaking the law.

You lost me on "missing the point of the punishment fitting the crime". How is what the guy did any different than what border patrol does? The "well he isn't border patrol" doesn't fly because they were on his land.