Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week


Bill Gates releases mosquitoes during conference for malaria awareness
From Wikinews

Bill Gates, the founder of computer software company Microsoft tried to bring attention to malaria while speaking at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference on Wednesday February 4 in Long Beach, California. He did so by releasing a "swarm" of mosquitoes from a jar, into the crowd.

"Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. I brought some. Here I'll let them roam around. There is no reason only poor people should be infected," said Gates as he opened the jar. After waiting a minute, Gates then stated that the mosquitoes were not infected with the disease.

"There is more money put into baldness drugs than into malaria. Now, baldness is a terrible thing and rich men are afflicted. That is why that priority has been set," said Gates jokingly.

The prank was first reported by Dave Morin, Facebook's manager, on the social networking and micro-blogging site Twitter. Morin stated that "Gates just released mosquito[e]s into the audience at TED and said: 'Not only poor people should experience this,'" followed by a smiley face.

Gates donated nearly US$170 million to the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative in September 2008 to fund research to fight malaria, and develop a vaccine.

The TED conference, held annually, features, among other things, the latest in technology, science, and politics. People who have previously spoken at the conference include former United States president Bill Clinton, former vice president Al Gore, and Jimmy Wales, the founder of the Wikimedia Foundation.

:lol: Bill Gates kicks ass.
Shouldn't that be a criminal case instead of a civil case? It's definitely absurd that they're suing the guy, but it sounds like he should be tried for something.
1. How can a non-citizen (illegal resident) bring suit against a citizen? That is just rediculous by itself.
2. He was protecting his property/turned them over to officials. It's not like he was lynching them. If you were 1 guy going up against 16 people you would be acting like a major asshole too. How easy would it be to get overpowered?

What exactly are you going to try him for?
2. He was protecting his property/turned them over to officials. It's not like he was lynching them. If you were 1 guy going up against 16 people you would be acting like a major asshole too. How easy would it be to get overpowered?

Where exactly does it say in the article that they were threatening him? It looked to me like he was going beyond merely defending his property.

He's not a fucking cop anyway. Having people trespass on or vandalise your property doesn't give you the right to get violent.
It should be noted that the Washington Times is a notoriously conservative newspaper run by the Moonies.

Surely you aren't suggesting media outlets have ulterior motives? Sounds like a stupid conspiracy theory to me.


Mr. Barnett told The Washington Times in a 2002 interview that he began rounding up illegal immigrants after they started to vandalize his property, northeast of Douglas along Arizona Highway 80. He said the immigrants tore up water pumps, killed calves, destroyed fences and gates, stole trucks and broke into his home.

Some of his cattle died from ingesting the plastic bottles left behind by the immigrants, he said, adding that he installed a faucet on an 8,000-gallon water tank so the immigrants would stop damaging the tank to get water.

Mr. Barnett said some of the ranch´s established immigrant trails were littered with trash 10 inches deep, including human waste, used toilet paper, soiled diapers, cigarette packs, clothes, backpacks, empty 1-gallon water bottles, chewing-gum wrappers and aluminum foil - which supposedly is used to pack the drugs the immigrant smugglers give their "clients" to keep them running.

He said he carried a pistol during his searches for the immigrants and had a rifle in his truck "for protection" against immigrant and drug smugglers, who often are armed.

ASSOCIATED PRESS DEFENDANT: Roger Barnett said he had turned over 12,000 illegal immigrants to the Border Patrol since 1998.

A former Cochise County sheriff´s deputy who later was successful in the towing and propane business, Mr. Barnett spent $30,000 on electronic sensors, which he has hidden along established trails on his ranch. He searches the ranch for illegal immigrants in a pickup truck, dressed in a green shirt and camouflage hat, with his handgun and rifle, high-powered binoculars and a walkie-talkie.

His sprawling ranch became an illegal-immigration highway when the Border Patrol diverted its attention to several border towns in an effort to take control of the established ports of entry. That effort moved the illegal immigrants to the remote areas of the border, including the Cross Rail Ranch.

"This is my land. I´m the victim here," Mr. Barnett said. "When someone´s home and loved ones are in jeopardy and the government seemingly can´t do anything about it, I feel justified in taking matters into my own hands. And I always watch my back."

Of course Barnett had no way of knowing whether these 16 illegals were drug smugglers, would or had vandalized his property, etc etc. The dude stopped them on his property, and held them until authorities picked them up.

Whatever he may or may not have said to them during the process of stopping them or the wait is really un-important. They shouldn't have been on his ranch in the first place.
Attorneys for the immigrants - five women and 11 men who were trying to cross illegally into the United States - have accused Mr. Barnett of holding the group captive at gunpoint, threatening to turn his dog loose on them and saying he would shoot anyone who tried to escape.

The immigrants are represented at trial by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), which also charged that Sheriff Dever did nothing to prevent Mr. Barnett from holding their clients at "gunpoint, yelling obscenities at them and kicking one of the women."

In the lawsuit, MALDEF said Mr. Barnett approached the group as the immigrants moved through his property, and that he was carrying a pistol and threatening them in English and Spanish. At one point, it said, Mr. Barnett's dog barked at several of the women and he yelled at them in Spanish, "My dog is hungry and he's hungry for buttocks."

If he behaved anywhere near the way described in this section, he deserves to be put on trial. Bullying people around is not a legitimate way to defend your property.