Dakryn's Batshit Theory of the Week

It's going to be interesting to see what happens to the military if he goes to far. It's pretty split from what I have seen in my corner.
If the internet gets shut down, soon there probably won't be too many people left to talk to anyway, you will all be dead or dying from the swine flu vaccine.
When will these pussies be voted out of office?
pretty much like the democrats in the US.

A Ban on samurai swords, which are being used increasingly in violent assaults, will come into operation today.

The swords have been added to a list of offensive weapons as a result of changes to existing legislation. Anyone found guilty of being involved in the sale, hire, manufacture or importation of the swords will face a jail sentence of up to seven years from today.

The list already includes weapons such as flick knives, machetes and knuckle dusters and is contained in the Firearms and Offensive Weapons Act.

The legislative changes will target easily obtained samurai swords, which are more likely to be used by criminals.

But exemptions to the ban are included to cover samurai swords manufactured before 1954, when Japan introduced a regulatory system.

There are also exemptions to swords made at any other time, according to traditional methods of creating them by hand. This is to cater for genuine collectors.

Justice Minister Dermot Ahern said last night that legislation on the use of knives and similar weapons was extremely robust and heavy penalties were in place.

He had recently strengthened the law in this area with the enactment of the Miscellaneous Provisions Act, increasing the maximum penalty for possessing a knife in a public place from one to five years, he added.

Mr Ahern pointed out that gardai had also been given extended powers of search without warrant in relation to knives and offensive weapons.

Samurai swords have become increasing popular as assault weapons used by thugs in the past couple of years, mainly because of their easy availability in shops.

In the latest incident, two gardai were set upon by a gang as they investigated a sword attack at Moyne Road in Baldoyle on the northside of Dublin.


The victim was stabbed in the neck after an argument over vandalism to cars in the area when several windows were broken. Last night he was recovering from injuries in hospital.

Earlier this year, Judge Clare Leonard called for an investigation into the sale of a samurai sword at a Dublin city centre shop after she refused to accept that it was "ornamental".

The sword had been seized from a motorcyclist after it was spotted sticking out of a backpack as he drove home from the shop.

The charge of unlawful possession of a weapon was dismissed when the court heard that the accused had produced a receipt for the sword and was taking it home from the shop to use it as a wall ornament.

But Judge Leonard refused to return the sword to him and questioned whether it should have been for sale.

Last March a former fireman was jailed for nine years after he was convicted of cutting off a carpenter's left hand with a samurai sword in a crowded pub.
Yeah but fucking hell it's swords. I mean I don't know but I shouldn't have thought that a shitty government somewhere is going to sell several ship loads of fucking swords to some shitty criminal groups in ireland.

They're basically trying to make it a bit harder for fucktards to get hold of them.