Damage Done

@hyena: your language list sounds more like a salad dressing list :p

"irish" are you talking about gaelic??? if so, very cool, but I prefer the language of love.

*waves his colorful plumage before the eyes of Hyena*
Someone said "language of love"?!?!? I was born with the ability of speak soooooooo fluently that language, in all the (legal) ways availables!!!

|ngenius (speaking in romantic... er... and sexual words)
@thanatos: yeah, gaelic. but the irish call it irish, fair 'nuff ;)

language of love: i do dread, sometimes, that i am able to speak it. but i don't understand myself what i am saying.

hyena (mellow)
@jakoni: jotd is JOKE OF THE DAY award, which i made up some days ago. nevermind. ;)
I once tried that (said so) language of love, but it didn't work. It seems the other one doesn't find it amusing when each five love words, a "steel", "sword", "fire", "slave", "whip" escapes out to tame the rushing of the moment :p
Some other languages I speak/write:

mexican, argentinian, chilean, peruvian, uruguayan, colombian, north american, canadian, south african, australian, etc.

Thanatos (bored)
hyena: well I wouldn't dare to use glory when speaking about love.....wouldn't disappoint anybody in the end *cough*

@thanatos: oh! I also can play with clouds and make strange ticks, write little dots and lines and some catalan too :p
@jakoni: anyone thinking a thread that changed into a chat for the broken hearted is over, is obviously new to this forum... :)

as for a poll, imo we might try "how do you fare in love-talking?". :p

well it could be worse.....it could end on a food talk, or a teddy bear thread, or a "My_bands_so_cool" thread, or an "I'm at the gates and I've heard the album and you don't" thread!!!

fathervic (fortifying)
Originally posted by FatherVic
"I'm at the gates and I've heard the album and you don't" thread!!!
:lol: fathervic thanks for making me feeling my post at his thread was not soooo annoying :rolleyes:

~mel~ (in an evil mood.... ?? ...... :Saint: ) :grin: