Damnation and Deliverance artworks: CAN'T WAIT


Neverending dreamer...
Apr 11, 2002
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Well probably all of you know that Travis Smith is doing the covers of the forthcoming albums once again...to think of it, it makes me lost all kind of control!!!

Anyway are you expecting a serene like artwork (ex: Orchid) or more the kind of Still Life...or Maybe one of those hunting, foggy and mysterious cover (MAYH, Morningrise, Blackwater Park)...or maybe something totally new?
Travis Smith does rule! Although I think it should be different this time around. Deliverence and Damnation (to me anyway) don't fit a serene look. Maybe Smith and Sundin would collaberate on the artwork!:rock:
Travis Smith is so fucking talented I´m sure the artwork is gong to be top notch.
My own hope is that there will be some kind of linking theme between the 2 albums (the titles already suggest that in a way) and the artwork for the 2 albums will complement each other.

I'm sure it will be cool.

I bet Travis gets to listen to all the albums he does covers for way in advance so he can make artwork that fits the album... that bitch! :grin:
Originally posted by Infinite Reach
My own hope is that there will be some kind of linking theme between the 2 albums (the titles already suggest that in a way) and the artwork for the 2 albums will complement each other.

I'm sure it will be cool.

I bet Travis gets to listen to all the albums he does covers for way in advance so he can make artwork that fits the album... that bitch! :grin:

Well I'm pretty sure he does, it's kind of necessary if he wants to reflect honestly the spirit of the music...lucky guy. With a little chance, he's currently listening the new Katatonia too :mad:
Originally posted by ControlledChaos
speaking of LS i cant wait for the new record...my least favorite smith piece would be Soul Embraced - This is my blood...but I love almost all his other ones, hes churned out tons of work!

It's not his best work I agree but, IMO it puts to shame most of the covers nowaday...