Who owns all the albums, and do remember the order you got them?

Still Life - in 1999 IIRC (didn't get into it until 2001, though :grin: )
BWP - 2001 (shortly after release date)
Morningrise - some weeks later
MAYH - "
Orchid - "
Deliverance - November 2002

as soon as I got into Still Life I wanted to get all the other CDs as fast as possible. Orchid and MAYH were pretty expensive, I bought them at Ebay for some 25$ IIRC...
1. Blackwater Park was first, sometime 2001.
2. Morningrise, 2001, a few weeks after I got BWP.
3. Orchid, early 2002.
4. My Arms, Your Hearse, early 2002.
5. Still Life, early 2002.
6. Deliverance, near the end of 2002.
Blackwater Park was my first cd that I got in the summer of 2002 shortly after graduating high school. I think get My Arms, Your Hearse when I was on a road trip with a friend mid summer. Then in about August sometime I got Sill Life. After that I got Orchid and Morningrise after looking all over my pathetic city for them. Then I finally completed my collection January 20th with Deliverance, a day before the concert at Jaxx in Virginia.
MAYH, then BWP soon after. I got into BWP right away, but still could not get into MAYH. Shortly after purchasing BWP, I purchased Still Life and immediately enjoyed Benighted, The Moor & Godshead Lament...I still could not get into MAYH. About a few months later, I purchased Orchid and enjoyed that one pretty much right of the bat, especially In the Midst...then a few weeks later, I purchased Morningrise and it became my favorite for quite some time....until I finally "got" MAYH...which is now and still is my favorite Opeth cd by far and that is even after purchasing Deliverance upon its release.
January 2002: Got Still Life and Blackwater Park from Amazon (the only albums they had)

February 2002: ordered Orchid, Morningrise and MAYH from www.disczone.com

March 2002: got the albums mentioned above after waiting for six weeks

November 2002: got Deliverance... yeehaw

March 2003: still waiting for Damnation
I bought Orchid, Morningrise, MAYH and Still Life all at the same time. (though to be fair I already had them in mp3 a few weeks before that)

From there on I got BWP and Deliverance when they came out.
I don't remember the exact years, but I got them in this order:

Still Life (remains my favorite \m/)
Blackwater Park
Orchid & Morningrise (bought them at the same time)
My Arms, Your Hearse
Deliverance (3 days before its release. Thanks The End!)

I'm going to buy Damnation from The End probably. Hopefully, I'll get it early, too.
Found MAYH in a store in St. Louis, Missouri in the summer of 1999.

Promptly became obsessed.

Found Morningrise at HMV in Thunder Bay later that year.

Again, obsessed.

Ordered Orchid from cdnow.com (I think?) - the first thing I ever bought with my credit card - again, later in 1999.

Took me a little while with this one.

Bought Still Life when it came out at HMV again.

..if you could wear out a CD..

Blackwater Park while visiting Toronto in March of 2001.

See Orchid..

And Deliverance from theendrecords - I'd already made myself a copy from the leaks (bad me..)

And now I've pre-ordered Damnation from Music World in Rexdale (WestSide!).

Fuckin' May.. hurry up!

Edit: nifty.. my avatar works again.
Morningrise - About a month after it came out (ie: Just after LOCAL release)

Orchid - About 1-2 months after that (HARD to get a hold of at the time

All Other albums - Pretty much on the day of release, sometimes the local release date sometime ordered from overseas when it took to bloody long to SEE a local release.
Been listening to Opeth for a long time and got all the albums upon release...

Still Life
Blackwater Park
soon to get Damnation...
I started off with Blackwater. I loved the music, the word 'talented' is written all over the cd. I thought though that the vocals were ridiculous. So I left the CD in my cupboard for an occasiona listen (Bleak The drapery and Harvest). That was in 2001.

I stumbled on a friends MP3 collection last summer. I heard The Night and the Silent water, and the rest was history...

1. Blackwater Park
2. Morningrise
3. Still Life
4. My Arms, Your Hearse
5. Orchid
6. Deliverance (the day it was released :grin: )

PS Now i do not only enjoy the death vox, I can actually make out what mike says!! (ok, not on orchid and morningrise, but definetely on BWP and Deliverance).