paradoxile said:
well, I never said Jon wasn't a biggot or a racist...I just said he wasn't a nazi...I totally agree with you on that point and might I add they killed a BLACK gay immigrant which kinda proves the whole racist thing. so I agree with you there.

I have to ask because I truelly don't know, was there any talk of white supremacy prior to WWII...because racism and antisemitism was rooted everywhere in the world because it was rooted in christianity(the whole jews killed jesus thing,they see gypsies as heretics etc. etc.) and it was spread by the crusades which took scandinavia from the bloody arms of thor into the bloody arms of the pope.

so the question is what caused what? Was it the white supremecy thing that there all along who caused among others the appearence of nazism and therefore nazi metal or Was it the Hitler's actions that got some of the scandinavians thinking about the whole idea of white supremecy in which case the white supremacy is a subsection of nazism and not the other way around...
without a clear answer to the original question that would be asking what came first,the chicken or the egg?

about the killing jews in the holocaust...it wasn't cynide that was used in the gas chambers(they were gas showers in fact when the jews were fooled into thinking they were going to take a shower so there would be no lice epidemic in the camp)..cynide pills was the way Hitler and Eva Braun(may they rot in hell) commited sucide when the allied forces took Berlin.
The gas used in the gas showers was Cyclone B...it was a tablet(square inch by size) that desolved into deadly gas when came in contact with air...and it kind of makes me wonder Cyclone B or is it Zyklon?
anyway I guess you're right about the music passing by.

I kinda hate what "Black" music has turned into(again not all black music)...
I remember when when rap and hip hop were all about getting equal rights and fighting for what's right and the art of breakdancing and scratching records...you needed skill. now the creating of a beat takes about 5 minutes using a home computer and every gangster has a label and you can have an album done in 9 days which will sell 10 or a 100 fold of the best metal album of all time while the subjects discussed on the album are guns,killing each other,dissing other rappers,pimping bitches, and getting high...sure there's will smith but who the hell would buy his record these days.

Zyklon B is what was used in the gas chambers. It's a gas form of cyanide; I dunno what the chemical was originally used for, but it is indeed what was used in the gas chambers. At least it was in Auschwitz. According to wikipedia it was also developed by a Jew.

Racism is a pretty old phenomenon, I'm not sure where you would find the first instances of it. White supremacy probably didn't develop into its moderm form until Darwin came along, and to my knowledge it wasn't until the late 19th century, when Social Darwinist ideas were in vogue, that you see something that resembles what we consider today to be white supremacist thinking. It depends on how you look at slavery, also. I'd say the stuff we had in the 30s and 40s was a direct descendant of 19th century Social Darwinist thinking, and not so much that of, say, slaveholding Southern planters in the US.

Hitler also referred to Norse people as German "cousins" of sort, so I'm not surprised that there are Scandinavians who are ok with Nazi ideals (although I'm sure it's a very tiny minority). I doubt anyone argues that the Nazi occupation of Norway was a good thing; and since Social Darwinist ideas of race predate Hitler, there were probably racists in Norway long before the crazy mustasched guy came along. It's not like Hitler invented racism and anti-Semitism.
Vikernes confuses me sometimes... I don't quite understand everything he says... I've read almost everything that he's published, but it still confuses me. He claims to hate religion, yet he claims to be a paganist wuotanist odinist whateverist... and sure, i think that some of the ideals of that religion are better than some of those of christianity, but i still think that religion is destructive because it is religion.

And with the hitler thing, i am not a nazi, but i do understand his hate for religious people. Not sure why the jews were the first to go (did he have plans to knock off other religions?) cause if i were abolishing religion, i wouldnt start with jews. Not that i'm the kind of person who wants to do genocides haha but i would like to abolish religion... in a better way!

With racism, i dont say i am a racist but sometimes its kinda hard to ignore racial trends. here in australia, the aborigines (beware: generalizations ahead) are seen drinking in the streets, sniffing just about any subsstance around... its hard to put that aside when one sees it so commonly done by aborigines but not by the white people... now they say its because we stole their culture. great, so to try and get their culture back, theyre sniffing petrol and then shouting 'bigotry and racism' if we were to try and solve the problem.

the jews were first to go because with the antisemitism thriving throughout the ages...and Hitler needing to unite the german people using a scapegoat...
so everyone hates them,no one needs them and they're sitting on a pile of money...you do the math

would just like to mention that nazis didn't kill only jews,they killed every possible "disfunctionality" in those camps including gays, gypsies, pralised people,retarted people,mentally ill people and whatever else you can find
paradoxile said:
the jews were first to go because with the antisemitism thriving throughout the ages...and Hitler needing to unite the german people using a scapegoat...
so everyone hates them,no one needs them and they're sitting on a pile of money...you do the math

would just like to mention that nazis didn't kill only jews,they killed every possible "disfunctionality" in those camps including gays, gypsies, pralised people,retarted people,mentally ill people and whatever else you can find

Thats true. And i don't agree with that. Eeh i guess i just dont like hitler, but i also dont like religion. my enemy's enemy is not my friend!
chrisdoig24k said:
And with the hitler thing, i am not a nazi, but i do understand his hate for religious people. Not sure why the jews were the first to go (did he have plans to knock off other religions?) cause if i were abolishing religion, i wouldnt start with jews. Not that i'm the kind of person who wants to do genocides haha but i would like to abolish religion... in a better way!

I don't think the Jews were picked for religious reasons... non-practicing Jews, or people of other faiths who had a Jewish parent (even I think a grandparent) was just as Jewish as a rabbi for Nazi purposes.
there is the jewish "race" and the jewish religion...not being religious doesn't make you any less jewish.
the nazis went also after jews who converted to christianity and their children who were christian with the claim that you can convert but you can't change your filthy blood...so I think it was more of a race thing.

oh and chris...I'm also very anti religion...any religion because if god is almighty and he can controll everything(according to Judaism,Christianity,and Islam) why does he need us to worship him? besides Religion isn't the creation of God,it's the creation of man...and therefore it's flawed.
simply things just don't add up...and contredictions are settled in the stupidest of ways...for fuck's sake people were executed in the name of religion for saying the world isn't flat,people get offended when you show them proofs that contredicts creation and evidence of intelligent human life prior to 4000 b.c when the world is said to have been created by the bible
I believe in God but my concept of God is different...I see God as the universe and we are part of it hence we are part of God...it's our soul/conciousness that is our connection to god/the universe and we have a way of reaching to any piece of knowledge in the universe...past present and future since according to physics things don't just dissapear into thin air...they convert to something else
chrisdoig24k said:
With racism, i dont say i am a racist but sometimes its kinda hard to ignore racial trends. here in australia, the aborigines (beware: generalizations ahead) are seen drinking in the streets, sniffing just about any subsstance around... its hard to put that aside when one sees it so commonly done by aborigines but not by the white people... now they say its because we stole their culture. great, so to try and get their culture back, theyre sniffing petrol and then shouting 'bigotry and racism' if we were to try and solve the problem.


I don't know that much about aboriginies, but blacks in the US are poor and crime ridden as a demographic because they didn't have many civil rights up until the 60s, much less economic ones. The effects of social and economic stagnation do not go away in 1 or 2 generations, usually they linger for a long time and can be very persistent if groups are continually singled out by society (gypsies, for example).

Cultural and religious values can make these problems worse, although race is pretty much a fiction. At least in the sense that you being black or white makes you predisposed to certain behavior. Social conditioning is king... if an aborigine grew up in suburban white-collar Chicago, he'd probably watch football, wear Abercrombie & Fitch and go to law school or something.
I totally agree.
there were some orphans and children from abusive homes which were taken from their families by the government in south american countries like brazil who got later adopted by jewish couples from Israel who couldn't have children at the age of 4 and they turned out decent people.
actually, the ideals of nazisim back in 1943, weren't really to kill my pals and gyps, and people like that . Well, in a way it was, but did you know that in the german army that was fighting in africa, they had my pals ??
what nazism really belived was in racial purity. and what they really punished was racial mixture. They believed that every race has his own vital space (for example, latins in south america, my pals in africa, ...etc ) so as long as they didn't mix, it was all okay for them
And that's why they started to kill all immigrants and jews, my pals, gypsys, and all that wasn't german, but still was in germany. like that they will avoid racial mixture and consolidate stronger races.
but obviously, nazism is mixed with aryanism, and so, nazi's claimed that the strongest race was the aryan race, so they needed a much larger vital space, reason why they needed to conquer half of the world =/
note that nasional socialist is not the same as nazi. Nazi is an ideology, and nasional socialist is an extreme right wing politic that supports nazism.

i belive this is correct ._.U
GreyAkhin said:
actually, the ideals of nazisim back in 1943, weren't really to kill my pals and gyps, and people like that . Well, in a way it was, but did you know that in the german army that was fighting in africa, they had my pals ??
what nazism really belived was in racial purity. and what they really punished was racial mixture. They believed that every race has his own vital space (for example, latins in south america, my pals in africa, ...etc ) so as long as they didn't mix, it was all okay for them
And that's why they started to kill all immigrants and jews, my pals, gypsys, and all that wasn't german, but still was in germany. like that they will avoid racial mixture and consolidate stronger races.
but obviously, nazism is mixed with aryanism, and so, nazi's claimed that the strongest race was the aryan race, so they needed a much larger vital space, reason why they needed to conquer half of the world =/
note that nasional socialist is not the same as nazi. Nazi is an ideology, and nasional socialist is an extreme right wing politic that supports nazism.

i belive this is correct ._.U

National Socialism and Nazism are the same thing. Nazis are people who belong to the Nazi Party, which believes in National Socialism. Maybe in modern Europe you now have crazies running around claiming they're National Socialists and not Nazis in order to promote right wing politics without all the genocide baggage, but I don't think anyone who claims to be a National Socialist can escape the fact that it is, indeed, the ideology of the Nazis.

The Nazis didn't single out black people for murder in Germany because they weren't a significant minority. They were killing gypsies as early as 1941 if I'm correct, along with the mentally ill and physical invalids.

The German Army used black Africans in WWI, not WWII. They may have used them for slave labor in WWII, but I don't think they served as soldiers.
Yeah, that's the point, nasional socialism does support nazism, so you can't be nacional socialist without beeing nazi
although, you can be a nazi without beeing nazional socialist, like the crazy fucks of nowadays
that's what i've said

The German Army used black Africans in WWI, not WWII. They may have used them for slave labor in WWII, but I don't think they served as soldiers.
is that so ? o.o
sorry then -_-
GreyAkhin said:
is that so ? o.o
sorry then -_-

There was a German dude in East Africa - can't remember his name - who is famous for holding off a vastly superior British army with just a couple of hundred white officers and a mostly African troops. That's probably who you're thinking of. =) Germany lost its African colonies in WWI, so their activity was limited to North Africa in WWII.