last thing great I heard from Anthrax was SOWN ...
You must not have even bothered to listen to Stomp 442, Volume 8 or We've Come For You All then.
last thing great I heard from Anthrax was SOWN ...
That's fantastic news, isn't it!!!!!
Anyone have any recent photos of Rob? Haven't seen him in what must be years....
I think they should sack Dan and get Spacebeer to sing. Thats the only way to make a "tROO" Anthrax record...
Given those demo songs we heard on the CDC (oh hang on maybe some of you haven't heard em yet?). Well they ruled - and it just wouldn't fit Spitz or Belladonna's style to be honest (in my opinion).
It's def following on from WCFYA though vibe and sound wise.
I am very, very excited about the future now. 2008 - new Thrax. YES PLEASE!!!![]()
There's a thread on the CDC message board where he answers questions..he seems really cool. I asked him a couple q's. He seems pretty down to earth.
Fuck off then. We don't like your type around 'ere.Bollocks, fuck this band.
Who cares any more? I've bought all the albums up to now, I won't be buying any more.
Scott and Charlie obviously listened to Gene Simmons $$$ or Bush would still be in the band. Everything they've done since that shitty "GOTE" album has been an attempt to make easy money at the expense of musical and personal integrity.
They said they were making "GOTE" because Bush was the man who SHOULD have sung on all the old songs, and Joey was a shit singer. Then a couple of minutes later when a fucking paycheque was waved in their faces Bush was out and "shit singer" Joey, who apparently couldn't even sing in key, was back in the band. Friendship? Loyalty? Musical integrity?
Fuck that - $$$$$$$$.
Bollocks, fuck this band.
Is it just me, but looking at one of those pics of the new guy is Charlie growing his hair long again?
You have a choice to either listen to them or don't listen to them..
Fuck off then. We don't like your type around 'ere.![]()
Anyway, who're you, noob? :Smug: Only 782 posts in aboot 5 years? Not got much to say for yourself eh?
You're wrong. Check out the latest news from 12.13.07 titled STOP THE PRESSES!!!A singer at last! But the officail web site still says nothing of this!![]()
You still here Gobshite?You don't like die hard fans? Hmm, what type of people DO you like? Fan boys who'll kiss Scotts arse no matter what shit he pulls?
Nah, that's not me. Anyway, who're you, noob? :Smug: Only 782 posts in aboot 5 years? Not got much to say for yourself eh?
You're wrong. Check out the latest news from 12.13.07 titled STOP THE PRESSES!!!