Dan Swano or Peter Tagtgren?


Nov 19, 2002
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Dan of Peter?
Who of them is better?...Just for fun...
In fact, they are the most fruithful guys in metal ever...
I personally like Peter more, cause Hypocrisy simply RULES!!
Well, come on...how many bands/projects does Peter have? If I'm not totally mistaken he's got TWO. And then compare this stuff to what Dan did/is still doing...

But I agree that Peter was a better 'producer' - that's no surprise cause he was one of the best sound engineers in metal. It's a shame that he closed the Abyss studio and turned Hypocrisy into a Nu/Death band... Let's hope that this is just a temporary phase he's going though...
i agree, both are GREAT...
but i think that peter is little bit more successful in what he does....Abyss + PAIN as a side projects + countless participations on albums with other bands + producing in the Abyss , while Swanos Unisound is gone...

anyway...catch 22 is amazing, why peole consider that it is different from previous albums???
Originally posted by your_fate
Dan of Peter?
Who of them is better?...Just for fun...
In fact, they are the most fruithful guys in metal ever...
I personally like Peter more, cause Hypocrisy simply RULES!!

Hahaha!! That's funny dude, you make me smile. Of course Peter is cool and all, especially back in the days when he spent more time worshipping satan and less making nu-metal. Hehehe. But wouldn't it be funny if someone *really* thought he was better than DAN? That would certainly be amusing. Anyway, thanks for the joke, I needed a good laugh. You rule! <high-five>
Easy, Dan is the better by far. At least he didn't do the Sell-out thing Peter did with Pain. I lost a lot of respect for Mr. Tagtgren when I heard Pain the first time. I still haven't had a good reason to find that respect again. Dan has always had my deepest respect, ever since I first heard him in EoS.
Originally posted by mattcira
I disagree. If Peter is a better audio engineer, why does he ask for Dan's help from time to time? Dan did all the audio restoration for the Hypocrisy "old demos, etc" cd that came out a year or so ago... And I believe Dan did some misc. engineering on a Pain album.

Yeah, you're talking about that extra cd that comes with some copies of "10 years of Chaos and Confusion" - I just got that cd about the saem time I got the new nightingale -- right before Xmas. I noticed Dan did all the restoration, did a pretty good job too. I don't recommend the "regular" cd though. The re-recorded tracks with peter's vox are no good. This extra cd you mention is great though, has some really cool Hypocrisy videos.
come on... twinkies taste incredible...

I vote for Tagtgren. Because I've seen him live on DVD. I haven't seen Swano live.... Ever get that? Ever like people a hundred times more just because you saw them in action?

I dont think this was the right forum to be asking this question in. Most people here will have bias.
Dude, we were totally messing around, not serious at all, if you knew me, you'd know that I wouldn't ever be in a fist fight unless some dude was messin' with my woman.... then I'd throw down, yo'

Oh yea, almost forgot, Twinkies are gross and are also responsible for the downfall of modern society, really, they are....