Dark, evil death metal like Incantation and Immolation.


Garbage Connoisseur
Mar 4, 2008
Roadkill, WV
I know something like this has been done before, but I couldnt find it on a quick search.

But yea.. you guys should get the general idea.
I've heard people say Arkhon Infaustus is like Incantation.
I think they're quite different, but if you havn't already heard them check them out.

Vorkreist - Sabbathical Flesh Possession
Svart Crown
Blood Ritual
diSEMBOWELMENT's Transcendence into the Peripheral.. Well, death/doom but, meh.

Also Cryptopsy's demo "Realms of Pathogenia" when they were called Necrosis.

Maybe Deicide's Scars of the Crucifix.
Impetuous Ritual - a lot like Incantation, but the slow and fast aspects are taken to even greater extremes

Burial Invocation - dark heavy sepulchral vibe, dripping with ichor; reminds me a lot of the first Demigod album in some ways

Cemetery Urn - more traditional death metal, but sinister

Dead Congregation - kinda like Immolation... really fast and brutal, but with an overal really doomy vibe; very interesting and unique, imo

Blaspherian - heavy Incantation vibe, really dark and doomy
Funebrarum - Beneath the Columns of Abandoned Gods

I hadnt listened to this funebrarum album.
Fucking amazing.

I'm gonna check alot of these bands out... although I'm honestly not quite to the point of checking out bands with only demos and eps released unless they're atleast a half hour in length...
Krow: don't discount the Dead Congregation EP, its wicked.

Blaspherian is working on a full-length, but their EP is really long tho
I would check out the new Blaspherian:


In the best tradition of death metal, these songs make sense once you’ve heard all the riffs in sequence, but you would not think they’d fit together if you heard them separately. This gestalt allows Blaspherian to create a deepening atmosphere of cavernous doom, using the time-worn technique of old school death metal bands but wrapping it around a new spirit, one in which evil is deliberate and contemplative instead of chaotic.
