Dark Terror vs Dual Terror

+1 Blackstar studio 20.
Saw/listened to some stuff very cool. It has a knob to color the sound from 'american' to 'british' that looks particularly great. Would like to make some reamp with it!
GC had a Dark Terror today. Tried it through a 1960 and Orange cab. It definitely had tighter gain than the TT/DT, but it sounded....thin. It sounded like an undersized hotrod JCM, but with that oomph missing. GAS for that is gone.

They did have a used Triamp though...
Ok so i've had my Dual Terror for a little while now and i'm pleased with my choice :rock: it's beefy as fuck for a tiny amp, however waaay too much bass. I can honestly say that I kinda wished i'd saved some dosh and got a normal Tiny Terror as the fat channel is pointless in the studio.... I intend to experiment with bass thru it to see if thats any good (got the idea from someone I know who uses a dual rec for bass). I may even use it live for a punk band I recently joined, oh also running it thru an OD808 does sort out the mega bass to be fair. I also jizz over the clean tone! :goggly:

@FrenchFrog have you decided what you're after?