Dark Tower 6

The Man

Franks and beans!
Feb 4, 2002
Gautier, MS
no one has commented on the new dark tower novel yet. i just finished it a couple days ago. it was good, but not incredible. you can feel a little bit in the story telling that he's trying hard to get it finished. and the fact that he put himself in the story just seems kind of unnecessary, maybe even egotistic. the only thing i really hated was the ending. i won't give it away, but it's a major cliffhanger and that pissed me off. he could have gone much further in this book and finished the story.
Song of Susannah was 50 times better than Wolves of the Calla. I thought S.O.S. was GREAT! I loved it!
I finished it last week, and I usually take months to read--because videogames and movies/porn distract me from reading. But this book kept my interest. All the way to the end. There wasn't a single slow part to the plot.
It wasn't as good as Wizard and Glass, but I'd give S.O.S. a 9 out of 10.

And the stuff mentioned above with Stephen King in the book was genius! That was the best part, I thought.
If there's only going to be one more book in the series, then he's got a HELL of a lot of loose ends to tie up. I'm kind of expecting Roland to fall by the wayside and either Eddie or Jake (wouldn't that be just so Hollywood?) to be the one who finally makes it to the Tower.

I really did like the way he put himself in the story. It wasn't a heroic or existantialist enough role to seem arrogant. I've yet to be convinced of how the vampires fit in with the Crimson King (apart from the colour) and his henchmen, though.
not digging it so far, but you know, thats how it was with wastelands and wolves it seems to me all of the books take on a different i dunno.. feel? pace? from the previous. I don't like how this one is so short though, when i saw it first i thought it would be nice and long like wolves was (bout 700 pages) but it's only 411. the type is bigger which is cool but the pages are fucking thick! which is weird for a book. it's like they were compensating. fortunately the final one comes out in like 4 months. I realy would like to read about the battles roland and his friends fought. I got all excited when roland had that one flashback in wolves but it was just a few pages :(
say thank ya!
Yeah, it would've been cool to have known more about his past. But I think the next one is supposed to be really long. I heard maybe 800+ pages. So that will be awesome if it is. I forgot to post on here. I finished the weekend after it came out (got it Saturday in the mail and finished it Sunday).
DT VII is over 800 pages. Hopefully that will give him enough space to end this the way it deserves to.
With the CK and Flagg pissing on the universe.
All the books are cliffhangers. That's the point of a series.
When I saw Fellowship of the Ring the first time, when it ended this guy behind me said, "That's it? What kind of ending was that?"
Riehlthing said:
I know. I heard people like that when I watched Fellowship in the theaters. My sister even said that. She had no idea it was a trilogy.

That's all right. Return of the King had enough endings for all three movies.

its interesting to read all the differences of opinions on the dark tower books

most people on the messageboard seem to prefer wizards & glass as the best volume

i find this odd because, speaking to many king fans in the uk, wizards and glass is seen as the weakest volume of the dark tower here in the uk
indeed i've even heard several king fans declare it as utter shit!

personally i dont think its that bad its definately not steven kings worst book (cujo gets that "award") - but as he can easily piss over any other work of fiction, a poor steven king book is still far better than anything else on the shelves

personally, i came to the dark tower very late - when i finally got round to reading "the gunslinger" i was hooked and immediately rushed out and bought the other 3 volumes available at the time

although "drawing" and "wastelands" were awesome and read from cover to cover in one very long weekend i came off the rails with "wizards & glass" and i still haven't been able to finish it - when you read all the volumes immediately one after another the story hurtles along at such a pace only to hit the buffers in "wizard"

i suppose digging into rolands past was nesessary, and the significance of susans story may only truely become apparent in the final volume but its been gathering dust on the shelf for months now and i have struggled to find the enthusiasm to start reading it again

i bought both "wolves" & "susannah" on the days of release but haven't read either of them yet as i want to finish "wiizards" before i continue my quest - now i have 2 more volumes gathering dust (with another due at the end of the year) and theres no football or anthrax uk tour at the mo i'm gonna lock myself in my room and read til my eyeballs drop out!

thanks to all those who've posted opinions here - its really helped me find the enthusiasm to start reading them again!
ThraxDude said:
Wizard and Glass is definitely the best DT book thus far.
Anyone here disagree?
yes and no. i enjoyed the wastelands because it gets more of the main story going and shows more of roland's world. wizard and glass was great because it gave a lot of history and made you better understand roland's personality.
i'm pretty much equal between both.
I prefer Wastelands most. The Gunslinger and Wizard and Glass I like tied for 2nd best.
The reason on this is, with Wizard and Glass, you have this first confrontation between Roland and Jonas early in the back story with Susan. Then there is almost no confrontation until the end. During that time, you're left with conflicts between Susan and her aunt, but that doesn't hold as much interest as the meat of it. Roland and Jonas. What does save W&G (to being tied for 2nd with Gunslinger) is when that situation blows up at the end. The whole climax in the back story is what makes up for it all.
Wastelands also was the first one I had read in the series (my dad knew I liked SK, but didn't look to see that it was the 3rd book in a series when he got it for me for x-mas, and I didn't notice either until I finished, I was confused on some areas).
Wizard and Glass was pretty good. The problem with it is, you read 700 pages, and in the grand scheme of the story, only 1 night and 1 day pass. That is odd, but the magic of flashbacks never cease. I thought it started off very slow, but it gets better and better as you read. I won't give it away, because I know that some of you have yet to read it, but I thought it was the most fucked up ending. I mean that in a good way. Blew me away, I almost couldn't sleep that night because I am that much of a nerd. WOC and SOS were both good, I thought. SOS could have shown us a little more of Jake and Callahan. They were practically omitted from the whole body of the story. And about the whole King putting himself in the book - I thought it was pretty gay at first - then I read all of his journal entries in the back of the book. Makes perfect sense now, seriously. It's kinda freaky to see how he dreams of walking and wakes up crying, then he gets hit by a car while walking one day. Didn't the dude that ran King over die of "unknown causes" or was that just a rumor. Wow I typed tooooo freakin much - I'm gonna split. :rock: