Dark Tranquility Vs In Flames

Dark Tranquillity by faaaaaar....and there's a hundred million reasons not to care...ablout IF...

StyE is a masterpiece though, nothing else that IF has made comes even close to their magnum opus, StyE :notworthy:
I think it's not a right question who is better(bitter:lol:) both bands are good in what they are doing.
More to say it's ludicrous, no, stupid, question on Official DT forum:heh:, don't you think!?!
TD sounds great by producing mixture of temp, speed, melody, agression, lyric, but does someone notice that more than 95 % of their songs starts identic:Saint:
DT, far better musicians in overall. They change their style with almost every album, and their still progging. DT gets my vote.......

Both bands change their style with pretty much every album, the difference is one is still making good music and the other is making utter crap.
Klämrist, you have my utter disrespect for digging out exactly this thread. There are plenty of threads talking about newer/older In Flames in the IF forum on UM and that is one of the reasons why the IF forum is so horrible. I hope that this thread will go down once again with noone posting here.
I got it and I think it is pretty funny. Explaining it would ruin it, just read it again and again, in the end it is easy to see.

Yap, it's too easy to speak by significant quotations or to say " I got it, but I shall not explain what exactly, but it's funny.........."
If I was wrong by making equal DT and IF (by saying that they both good in what they are doing - that was the case,both have weak and strong sides) terribly sorry!!!!!!:yuk:
In Flames has released, like, one good album in the last eight years. So it shouldn't be a debate. DT just is a band with greater musicianship. But In Flames has dreadlocks and neat marketing! =)

Also, this thread is like, six years old or something. And apparently it was half about the Armenian genocide. It's a vintage Swiss Army thread.
Since you could say IF changed genres after Clayman, the only comparison to make is to "old" IF.

DT was still the 'better' more technical band even then, but I enjoy Whoracle and Clayman the most because of the unbelievable melodies that IF could carry in their songs. The closest DT has come to matching the melodies of 'old' IF was with the the MInds I in my opinon; however, I would still give the close edge to IF for a sheer enjoyment perspective.

Comparing anything post Clayman to any DT would be an insult to DT which is why everyone is so disappointed in the new In flames albums. They gave up something they were great at in exchange for medicority. We can all speculate on the motives but they were on the road to greatness and chose to give it all up.

IF should be flattered by all the people expressing dissapointment if they read these posts because it means they were THAT good in what they did previously to evoke so much passion when they stopped doing it and changed course. No one would care if we didnt witness their potential.
Since you could say IF changed genres after Clayman, the only comparison to make is to "old" IF.

DT was still the 'better' more technical band even then, but I enjoy Whoracle and Clayman the most because of the unbelievable melodies that IF could carry in their songs. The closest DT has come to matching the melodies of 'old' IF was with the the MInds I in my opinon; however, I would still give the close edge to IF for a sheer enjoyment perspective.

Comparing anything post Clayman to any DT would be an insult to DT which is why everyone is so disappointed in the new In flames albums. They gave up something they were great at in exchange for medicority. We can all speculate on the motives but they were on the road to greatness and chose to give it all up.

IF should be flattered by all the people expressing dissapointment if they read these posts because it means they were THAT good in what they did previously to evoke so much passion when they stopped doing it and changed course. No one would care if we didnt witness their potential.

Wow. You nailed it. I used to be a huge IF fan...and only a very minor DT fan. After Clayman, however, man..things changed. Now when A Sense of Purpose came out....I finally had it. I had to draw the line. I turned to DT, and listened to the whole discography and realized, that they are brilliant. As brilliant as In Flames WAS? Absolutely. So, DT = Old IF. However, my new favorite metal band belongs to DT without question, ESPECIALLY after seeing them live and touching Mikael Stanne's hair in the pit!!!! :rock: