Dark Tranquillity coming to Mexico??

Si mal pedo por ellos, pero bueno este año y atuvieron a Haggard y nosotros ni madres...

Influencias, pues tengo de todo, ( a lo que el metal se refiere) pero digamos que de los subgeneros que hay ( si asi se les llama) serian

Blind Guardian
Judas Priest
Symphony X
Children of Bodom...

Etc... son demasiados hehehe pero definitivamente Opeth , Death, Judas, y Blind son la verga hehehe..

Pos haber si sigue buscando que yo ya estoy harto de tocar solo, o con bandas piteras que quieren tocar o gotco, o nu metal o Ska.. NO MAMES!!!!
ojala no cancelen el concierto de DT porque la gente no va,como han cancelado varios
que avisen con tiempo pa que junten lana,pero sacan las pinches propas 1 semana antes
vale verga!

pues no he hablado con mi cuate,pero a el tambien le late BG y creo que Katatonia
@manuel: i just found very funny the imagery of someone masturbating to celebrate a show :) funny in a good way... hilarious.

@exile: you forgot a "/" so i took the liberty of editing your link to make it work. don't worry if you see "edited by rahvin" at the bottom of your post, no subliminal messages like "buy a dwarf today" were added. ;)

Originally posted by manuelgv
like if you never masturbated when you hear of a show hyena

i've thought of doing that while attending a show in a couple of occasions, but then i thought better - apparently it's not even legal :lol:

ahora si que van a venir a tocar aqui ya se aparecen los pinches mexicanos no? cabrones de mierda...

@rahvin, miolo: ciò è territorio messicano :p

@hyena: you can stay and masturbate all that you want :heh:
oye yo si venia aqui guey no mames,si soy asiduo fan de DT aunque no del foro

@hyena: masturbating is not legal?? then I will get the death penalty :lol:
HAHAHA no porb Rhavin thanks...

Ohh well im so fucking happy, and if anyone needs the urge to jerk off or go buy a dwarf its fine with me, either way im going to see them on january, im so happy today i received a notification from the D.T. Mailing list......

(although jerking off doesnt sound that bad) HAHAHAHA

I just fucking hope Opeth will come too next year
@manuel: masturbating IN PUBLIC is not legal. :lol:

buying a dwarf, on the other hand...

I wouldnt masturbate in front of a dwarf, i mean they are the perfect height to.. you know... i mean a female dwarf could help right? but then it wouldnt be a dwarf, it would be a nightworker and i wouldnt buy a nightworker cause, they are better if you rent them hehehe....