Dark Tranquillity coming to Mexico??

Yea me and Maria are gonna be there for shure. In fact i hope there is an autograph sign event and/or that i can get a hold of backstage passes ( i can but dont ask how :D ) To bring in my guitar and have it signed by all the band. How can you make a b.c. rich warlock cooler than that? :p
Originally posted by Misanthrope
How can you make a b.c. rich warlock cooler than that? :p



Originally posted by Misanthrope
The cab thing that was taking a huge risk because everyone knows that the area is a slum. Everyone travels with someone. As for being beaten up on the show well, its fucking marduk and there was probably a lot of tr00 grim idiots ( tr00 grim mexicans are a 1000 times worst ) ...

:eek: how so? ;)
If there is going to be autograph session please let me know!! I got an enormous amount of stuff to get signed, so much that I will probably take half to the show in Monterrey to get signed and the other half to get signed when I see them in Austin!! :devil:
are there going to be more dates??

I dont know why all the bands skips the guadalajara city.... It drives me fucking crazy

before all the bands touring in mexico make a stop in guadalajara now every band skip this city.... how come this?... if this is the second most important city in mexico

sorry I just wante to let it go....

:( seems like im going to miss DT
They seem to think Monterrey is more important, though it is said that there are many beautiful women in Guadalajara, and few men (did you read that Mikael?) hope that helps you a little.
yeah sure, and the people won't get mad when a gringo gets all the attention of the band for a while, and misanthrope will eat you if he's hungry enough.
Is not that it is more important, is just that people in Monterrey are fare more trendy and moronic ( read: there is almost no scene or fans beyond power/heavy/prog and black metal )
Well at least thats what the guys of In flames told me...

( dont ask me about it, they just did)

And although i have never been there, well that city is famous cause there are a lot of beautiful woman avaliable there... thats true, the fact is that they are avaliable cause most of the guys there are busy hiting on another guys, or so thats what my friend over there tells me...

Although i cant understand why they go to monterrey instead, maybe its closer to the U.S. and since most of the bands that came to Mexico are on an U.S. tour and they just come down for a few days, probably thats the reason....

:cry: :lol: :D (Im a bit drunk hehehehehe)
They are coming to Mexico yay!! I live in Tabasco and I will have to go to work for that date, but screw the job! I have to go to that concert. I just need to know where to get the tickets for the show.

hmm.. Where can I get tickets for the show in Mexico city? I will try phoning the "salon 21" tomorrow.
Well the tickets are being sold now, the price is $250 presale, and at the night of the event, you can buy them on the Salon 21 directly, or on diferent establishments all through mexico.. i talked to the Metalipsis guys and thats what they told me, also you can buy them on any Hard metal store, or on places like Chopo, Bazar zaragosa, PEricoapa, Or Rock shop on insurgentes sur..

Hope i could help... and go buy them NOW!!!!!
Ahh yeah i forgot, Im trying to Organize an Autograph session, with the Metalipsis guys, on G Martell, ... its going to be a bit dificult though, cause the schedule for D.T: is pretty Tight, but if we manage to do it, ill post where and when it will be..
Originally posted by manuelgv
hey Thanatos have you bought your ticket yet?
because I don't know if they are for sale already

No, I saw the flyers at Hard yesterday, I just need to ask some people if they are going to go, and I'll get them tomorrow or wednesday.
@Exile: let us know about it, and make sure that "elite Dark Tranquillity forum members don't have to queue for autographs" :p

Thanatos (I hope Niklas or Mikael read this)
perfect.I'll go on friday to buy my ticket and the one for my gf
I hope they allow cameras inside
and if there's an autograph session I am there!