Dark Tranquillity coming to Mexico??

It would be grat to see us there hahaha, as i have talked to the Metalipsis guys, and they say that the most probably thing is that there is not going to be an autograph session, but i told them to ask the band, and if they want they are gonna autograph after the show... as for the cameras being allowed, i really dont think so, but as always tere are ways to get them inside, and if one of you make it please share the vid or the pics with the now formed "Elite forum members club" (HEHEHE) well if you see in the concert a guy with an "Eric Cartman (from southpark pf course) Jacket that would probably be me... until the next update.. see you, and please GO BUY THE TICKETS!!!! ( ahh yeah if someone decides to buy mine let me know where can i go for it hahahahaha)
I am gonna be wearing a Samael long sleeved t-shirt that says liquid soul dimension,and probably will take my camera inside even if I have to hide it
see ya there dudes
Originally posted by manuelgv
I am gonna be wearing a Samael long sleeved t-shirt that says liquid soul dimension,and probably will take my camera inside even if I have to hide it
see ya there dudes

<plug> Or maybe you can order a cool Dark Tranquillity shirt and wear it to show your loyalty. </plug>
I don't like wearing the band's shirt on the concert because everyone else is doing that
besides I love that Samael shirt

it's gonna be a picture camera,no video camera,besides those are harder to hide and if they catch you they kick you out

A picture of the mexicans at UM would be cool
Yeah that would be great, well how about if we see each other there, after the concert before its going to be a little dificult, if we can great, but if we cant we can see each other after the concert on the back of the salon 21, ( the back door everyone knows about it) and we can take pictures, i will try to bring one myself too... ohh and by the way since my southpark jacket is messed up i think i will be wearing something else.. not my dark tranquillity t shirt cause my opinion is the same as manuelgy but maybe just a blind guardian ( nightfall in middle earth) t shirt. well see ya
Originally posted by Siren
@Thanatos: Did you get my ticket? :)

@Thanny: So you have 1605? :p
Between me and Exiled, huh? Never sharing me! :D

Siren (you knew i love 4, didn't you?
Well well siren dont be mad, to me its all about Seeing D.T: Live, after that is completly another story hehe :)....

so what can we do to recognise each other over there.. people we need some ideas please... i dont know maybe a big pointy white hat that should do it..... ohh no wait i think there are some guys with that already Damn..... well maybe we can all go with scotish Skirts huh?? how about that??? :)