Originally posted by Narcoloth
@Thanatos: I think you are right about the res thing, you can't see much at this resolution as the video's very style is textured etc. As for the overacting thing, I think you're missing the whole point. If you read the "mission statement" in the DT site it says that all is under the prims of greek mythology and German Expressionism. Well, german expressionism was a movement in the early 20th century which in film was exactly expressed through bizzare set design, theatrica make-up and yes, overacting.
The whole video is a re-invention of that silent era, spiced up with several elements from other artistic movements and aspects.
Originally posted by Narcoloth
What's the deal with Quicktime? Why soooo against it? It's the only format that is 100% valid for both PC and MAC users. It also has one of the best compressors around (Sorenson 3), so that means best quality with the smallest possible file size=less download time.
If you make a small research on the matter on the internet, you will see that everyone agrees that Quicktime is the best solution for all the above factors. It's not by accident that most if not all of the movie trailers around are first out in Quicktime.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Thats just bullshit, quicktime is a Mac format with workarounds for pc. And since im not a considered person fuck mac users and get us a format that the MAYORITY of the people can enjoy, not some stupid crap that will piss off 90% of the dt fans. Im sorry but i dont make the market and if Mac gets so patetic and abandoned it has to switch to Unix then you see that im not alone in this opinion.
Originally posted by Narcoloth
Well, in short, Expressionism sought to give shape to psychological states through stylised visuals. It sought to present the inner life of humanity rather than its outward appearance. In film this was achieved by using sharply exaggerated shadows and high-contrast lighting, disorienting skewed set design and vertiginous camera angles, as well as exaggerated acting.
The definitive German Expressionistic film of all times is "The Cabinet of Dr.Caligari (Das Cabinet des Dr.Caligari). shot in 1919, followed probably by "Nosferatu" and to a lesser extent "Metropolis" (not entirely under Expressionism). German Expressionism has been really influential. It generated the film noire and the horrot genres. If you watch any of Tim Burton's movies, you're gonna see how this is adjusted in today's standards.
Originally posted by Narcoloth
@Misanthrope: I think the reason you got such childish arguments (guilty as charged) is the attitude in your posts, and not probably the content. Expect to be treated as you seem to be treating the forum. You can make your point across without in a much more acceptable and effective way. So, just bear that in mind next time.