Dark Tranquillity: Second Coverstory


Apr 11, 2002
Chimera Chiemgau
Hi folks
here we have the second Coverstory of our beloved Dark Tranquillity
in the german magazine Legacy: http://www.legacy666.de


its just 2 pages but more interesting than the one in the rockhard magazine



they talk about projector, mikael explains that this album was necessary for the band;"they tried to escpae from routine and to show themself that they would able to do something totally different from what the public expect from DT.we got worked up in the idea to break absolutely with our usual style and start after this with something absolutely different.(LoL Haven :D )
DT needed this step to find back with new energy into our intensive and agressive style.I know a lot of fans hate this album but we dont care"

about archetype:
"archetype were we and fredrik nordtröm.fredrik is this mysterious Dj L-Kman
(Elkman-swedish humour?)

some words about the Lost to apathy-single:
"the main track is the centre, the rest is just bonus. With the live-version of undo controll I´m not satisfied, perhaps this song will not stay in our lifeset.were practise some older songs at the moment and discuss what would fit in"

the main concept behind character:
"with this giant input of nonsense and information about our environment, the so called modern civilised way of life it becomes harder and harder to filter,archive, sort and control this all.we become manipulated get bombed with information that certain forces will infiltrate and on the other side hold back.
thats means character:to be smart, to have a clear mind, logical thoughts and a strong will to stand against these times.we cant control the informations which invades us but we think we have the choice...it needs a character not to follow all trends and to let be discontroled and to feel free.
a character is not just a person;he unites all experience and abilities of an human.
In "my negations" its about to realise themself and also his meaning for another human.
"Am I 1" is about selfindingprocesses, the question who you are.in each scene there are weakminded ones who just follow an image and just try to be accepted by an certain way`and not to life just their life.
"senses tied is about the peoples antennas that work just in the way that are them showed.ideologies and ideas were just accepted without questioning .
"out of nothing" is about people vegetating in total apathy and not havning any emotion or will in their life.each man has something in his life whats worth to life."

some words about soulbreed and the dying fragment of an elderly dream:
"these 2 songs were never recorded.they are 2 very old compositions which we never exploited or used for other songs.but we played them on some older gigs.the were written after the first demo.but for the single we wanted to sue newer stuff and for skydancer they sounded oldfashioned."

so these are the most important facts, some interesting stuff mentioned

have fun and I now escape to switzerland to new years eve.

have a good party on the 31.

happy new year:headbang:
Would you scan it a tad bigger? Hard to read :p

Quite interessting concept behind Character. Sounds heavyly inspired by Metal Gear Solid.....never mind

By the way, wonderful headline: "Charakterstarke Himmelstänzer" :D
Some very interesting stuff, especially about the new songs and the concepts behind the album - once again, thanks for sharing this, Solefald!

solefald said:
practise some older songs at the moment and discuss what would fit in
Now, this is something unexpected! I truly hope they will include some surprises from the earlier days in their liveset on the forthcoming tour.

thanks! really awesome information about the concept of Character.
"a character is not just a person;he unites all experience and abilities of an human." i like that sentence! really good!
aber ich würd's auch gerne nochmal in deutsch lesen wollen ;)
Villain said:
Some very interesting stuff, especially about the new songs and the concepts behind the album - once again, thanks for sharing this, Solefald!

Now, this is something unexpected! I truly hope they will include some surprises from the earlier days in their liveset on the forthcoming tour.


In the ask DT a question thread I baisically asked the question they answered here. (question was briefly- will old stuff be introduced to the new set thanks to the neo DT sound on character)

I hope they do some retro stuff with Kreator (and I hope I can make the gig).
That looks like a great cover story. Just look at the artwork! Awesome! Hehe, they even put a DT song on the cover CD, it seems. Hm, I probably should go and get the Legacy magazine to read the full article.