Darkness shall rule over the world


Brenna Fyrir Allra Augum
Dec 25, 2004
The name i set only to attract you.

I just registered here because I like Bloodbath alot. I just started this thread because
on the others threads there are like issues i know nothing about. Because like, talk about tour, at home, here where i live, there aren't often that metal bands come visit. It's more often seen like Hardcore bands, because how small my country is. When talking about metal, our music stores have tussu little to offer. And the music scene here, there are some death metal bands but not many, but there are also some other like Metal bands, which are really good, some which i would want to call Death Metal but they choose themself to call their band Metal or something like that. But the hardcore scene here, there are many hardcore bands, too much i think. But like i said that this place is soo small when there's comes to metal that ofen there are hardcore bands mixed with Death Metal, which is not as much seen alsewhere as i hear.
There sometimes comes metal bands though, i went to concert with Into Eternity,Amon Amarth.Mastodon and Hatesphere came too,I couldn't make it to them, Hatesphere is metal band from Danmark, correct me if I'm not correct that they are metal. I would like to go to concert more often but I don't pay attention to what's happening as well as I once did. The main reason could be that none of my friends listen to this anymore so I have to go by myself. But recently, 22 Dec i went to the ,,Antichristfest 2004" which was really a killer. There played about 8 bands and the concerts were from 17:00 - 23:45. The first bands are always just heating up the place when the like last 4-5 play the morsing begins. I always go something on every concert, on this concert we were just couple of crazy guys, 3-4 morsing around, the other 3 were all in Cannibal Corpse t-shirts and with long black hair, i was the only short-haired.

I don't knew where I'm going anymore, I totally lost it. It's just with me I'm always,like, commercialing the bands from Iceland. Maybe because I don't know any other band ,that's not from Iceland, that noone else knows.
I could post some good metal bands from Iceland if you're interested, then just post it here on the thread or PM me. And sorry if the grammar isn't perfect, I alway seem to forget to go over what i wrote before i post and sometimes i have a hard time setting it in sentence what i want to say.
Now f.x i don't know how to end this, but it's getting too long so ........