Day 2 Recap

They all were really nice guys but yeah they were pretty bad. Perhaps this was due to their not ever playing live with that line up or whatever, but they should have considered that and not made a 400 head festival their first appearance.

Just a piece of advise to all you kvlt underground guys who might be out there: Just because a band is old and never got of their local circuit doesn't mean they are good. There usually is a reason that said band did not make it beyond those borders. Some times things need to be left alone.
It sometimes seems like labels and fans are racing to see what kind of obscurity they can dig up and 9 out of 10 times it is coming up with dirt oppose to gold.
Just because a band is old and never got of their local circuit doesn't mean they are good. There usually is a reason that said band did not make it beyond those borders. Some times things need to be left alone.
It sometimes seems like labels and fans are racing to see what kind of obscurity they can dig up and 9 out of 10 times it is coming up with dirt oppose to gold.

This 100%
This 100%

This is actually why a few of the highly demanded acts who are broken up won't do a live show. They know they have been out of the game for so long and don't even play anymore that if they were to play a festival it would be a huge let down in the end for all people involved.

But then again...there were over 6 reunions at Brofest this year and the bands only practiced for a few months together and they were all amazing to watch and cohesive as a band. Even blew away some of the other bands.

I understand what Jeremy is saying...but for festivals like this you need to offer something cool like getting some obscure older acts who never got a chance to shine to play. It add's to the lineup for sure. While I will agree they were not great live...I did know a few people who were coming out just for them.
This is actually why a few of the highly demanded acts who are broken up won't do a live show. They know they have been out of the game for so long and don't even play anymore that if they were to play a festival it would be a huge let down in the end for all people involved.

But then again...there were over 6 reunions at Brofest this year and the bands only practiced for a few months together and they were all amazing to watch and cohesive as a band. Even blew away some of the other bands.

I understand what Jeremy is saying...but for festivals like this you need to offer something cool like getting some obscure older acts who never got a chance to shine to play. It add's to the lineup for sure. While I will agree they were not great live...I did know a few people who were coming out just for them.

Oh I agree there are bands that can pull it off, but the problem is that most of them just aren't very good.
This is actually why a few of the highly demanded acts who are broken up won't do a live show. They know they have been out of the game for so long and don't even play anymore that if they were to play a festival it would be a huge let down in the end for all people involved.

But then again...there were over 6 reunions at Brofest this year and the bands only practiced for a few months together and they were all amazing to watch and cohesive as a band. Even blew away some of the other bands.

I understand what Jeremy is saying...but for festivals like this you need to offer something cool like getting some obscure older acts who never got a chance to shine to play. It add's to the lineup for sure. While I will agree they were not great live...I did know a few people who were coming out just for them.

I agree, but "older and Obscure" pften gets out of hand. By that logic my second band could have a shitty CD of demos released on a Greek label and pieced together to play one of these festivals.:lol:
I agree, but "older and Obscure" pften gets out of hand. By that logic my second band could have a shitty CD of demos released on a Greek label and pieced together to play one of these festivals.:lol:

well not just any band would get booked....Crowhaven do have a name in the underground. They just had their stuff released by Skol Records and stuff. It isn't like he got some band that no one has heard of and booked them. Sadly with larger fest money gets tight so the bigger draw bands are harder to get so you have to get some of these bands to make your fest stand out. I always go for getting new blood to come in and get stuff going but then you have people bitching about they never heard of the bands. With getting these hidden gem type bands it makes people look at the line up then and see it just isn't packing on tons of cheap / free young locals to fill slots. It does add something to the fest as a whole.
well not just any band would get booked....Crowhaven do have a name in the underground. They just had their stuff released by Skol Records and stuff. It isn't like he got some band that no one has heard of and booked them. Sadly with larger fest money gets tight so the bigger draw bands are harder to get so you have to get some of these bands to make your fest stand out. I always go for getting new blood to come in and get stuff going but then you have people bitching about they never heard of the bands. With getting these hidden gem type bands it makes people look at the line up then and see it just isn't packing on tons of cheap / free young locals to fill slots. It does add something to the fest as a whole.

I did mention record labels doing the same. There are Crowhavens all over the U.S. just like all those bands on those Forgotten Gems comps, these bands aren't know until some label decides to pull them out, then people start to think this is the latest hot gem discovery and often that is not the case at all. Once the band has the CD, a few people start to know their name outside of their local area a festival may call on them. At which point the band puts together a make shift line-up plays the gig and then goes back into obsxurity
I did mention record labels doing the same. There are Crowhavens all over the U.S. just like all those bands on those Forgotten Gems comps, these bands aren't know until some label decides to pull them out, then people start to think this is the latest hot gem discovery and often that is not the case at all. Once the band has the CD, a few people start to know their name outside of their local area a festival may call on them. At which point the band puts together a make shift line-up plays the gig and then goes back into obsxurity

there are also bands who are current who are in the same boat. They are a band who has albums out but does nothing as well to promote themselves or even play locally much. In the end it is up to the band itself to make people want to see them or be relevant.
But it's up to said KVLT band to KILL it live when getting the opportunity.

Around this forum literally maybe two or three people knew what the hell a Tyrant's Reign was before the fest last year.

Now they are a household name because they absolutely crushed at the fest.

Same goes with ASHBURY.

I didn't see Crowhaven, but unfortunately, I have not heard one person since the weekend say, well, anything about them.....
I think the balance at the fest with classic, new and obscure band reformations was really well done. I had a conversation with John from Crowhaven over a meal after our set. Really nice guy. I felt bad for him as he was definitely disappointed in their set and preparation for it. But his love for music was evident.