ddrum triggers just create digital-sounding crackle


New Metal Member
Nov 3, 2012
Hey, we're just starting to use triggers for bassdrum replacement and snare gating. At least we tried. We hooked the triggers into our Audio Interface (just like the drum mics), but all we get into our DAW is just some digital clicking and crackle. Here are two audio examples:

Bassdrum: http://picosong.com/jsLY/
Snare: http://picosong.com/jsLC/

That clearly doesn't sound right!

Anyone got an idea what's wrong? Thanks in advance!
New ones at a big store? Definitely want to go back there and get a replacement or a refund

We will do that. I guess there's no way to mishandle the triggers to produce something similar? Like (just out of the blue all I could think of) ... we attached them poorly, gave Phantom power on it and put the input gain way too high? :p
Are they the Redshots? Our drummer got a set of those and they were horrible. Literally never got the kick trigger to work and the piezos on the kick one would keep breaking.
Acoustic Pro :( Thanks everyone, this forum rocks! Currently torn apart between getting replacement or screw the whole idea.
Exchange them for Roland ones if you can, you only have to look at dDrum triggers for them to stop working.

So much truth. Our drummer literally put his brand new one on and it was crackling right away and we thought maybe it was a sensitivity issue but turns out it was broken. He got a replacement, same exact thing, then even another replacement and, again, basically broke right away. All other ones worked fine except the kick. Maybe it was user error on installing it.....