Dead End Kings

I am very underwhelmed by the new song. I like it, don't get me wrong but it feels broken, almost like its a song made of clips of other songs. Also on the boring side for Katatonia, not impressed. Good thing the rest of the album will be amazing!
What signed copies?? Where does it say that?
I already pre-ordered the 2x10" Deluxe Ed. Does that come signed?

I found what he was talking about. Apparently, it is if you pre-order it from Omerch's webstore, it says "Deluxe Edition (Book Edition - CD, 5.1 DVD + 2 x 10", Ear Book with certificate) + Hand Signed Lyrics Sheet"

That's kind of a bummer since I already pre-ordered it from Burning Shed. :erk: Although this costs a pretty penny more. Here is the link:
I can't enjoy this new song unless I hear all 13 songs (the COMPLETE album!) AT THE EXACT SAME TIME! I begged Peaceville to release a COMPLETE CD of all 13 songs playing at the same time in 1 single track, but they refused! They are evil and greedy and don't deserve to live! Don't they know I would blindly pay any price to hear all 13 songs played at the same time on a single track? It is a proven fact that only Katatonia and Tool are capable of releasing only good songs and would never dishonor me by releasing a bad song (except those EARLY Katatonia albums with those TERRIBLE vocals - but those do not exist anymore because I TOLD Peaceville to delete them forever). I get so angry that there are not more PERFECT bands in the world like Tool and Katatonia. I will NEVER understand this and it makes me punch myself! I mean all a band has to do is have PERFECT vocals and PERFECT guitars and PERFECT bass and PERFECT keyboards and PERFECT drums and PERFECT songwriting and most importantly PERFECT CDs with the COMPLETE album sessions on it in the PERFECT order with PERFECT artwork!

I'm not completely blown away by the new song. I like it, but the Tool similarities bug me a little bit even though I love Tool. Plus the middle keyboard part reminds me of something off of Steven Wilson's Grace For Drowning album. This is the first Katatonia song I've heard where I'm being reminded of other bands. Usually it sounds entirely unique to Katatonia. Still a really good song.

Totally agreed here. And I found some self-repetition in this... It's obviously the following for TGCD and NITND, as they said.

Waiting for the whole album. And for October Tide album=)

P.S. I like artwork a lot=))
I haven't heard the song in its context and haven't heard it too often, so within that frame of interpretation;

I'm afraid I don't like the song too much. It starts off fantastic!
Great transition into the verse, but I'm not too happy with the chords + vocals. There's no real distinct chords in there. The guitars keeps hanging on the same notes and the vocal line doesn't indicate any change of chords either. The verse has a nice surprising up and down vibe to it, but if the verse depends on that trait only.. it's not too strong.
Then the intro get repeated and you know it's gonna get big. And then it comes!
Big guitars, desperate vocals... but that's all there is to it alas....
I don't like how Katatonia focus on one chord every part... They did this with NitND too. I am moved by changing chords because it surprises me and puts the vocal melody in a different perspective. If that one chord just keeps hanging there it gets boring. Especially when the sounds get huge and you expect a emotional climax they can't seem to deliver.
Then comes a cool bridge, which is the strength of this song; the rhythms and the sounds. The breakdown doesn't get me. That typical Swedish tragic mellotron sound that does create an ambiance, but -again - doesn't move me emotionally. On top of that they choose to go for the surprise effect by putting the drums in kind of sounding like a different rhythm, which is something cool to use to add something special to something great, but in this case it only confuses and imo it's too much for the song. Either go full progressive and make it into a long jam/solo, whatever, or just leave it out altogether. This seems half-assed.
Then there's the progressive part with a cool high bleepy melody that only promises more than it can deliver. That's a really great original part that you can milk like a motherfucker and get away with it, but they quickly moved on instead of turning it into a awesome solo part...
They repeat the verse, add some new things that... Then they build up to the last chorus, which, again, disappoints me. Then there the AWESOME guitar fill that gets me pumped-up again, but then it slows down right into the final notes...
They could've used that fill to go into a progressive jam-part, or an awesome outro where they repeat it and repeat it 'till it satisfies. Now it's only a teaser that doesn't give you what you want.

All in all I'm just very disappointed. Listen, if the album features enough emotional songs that move me I'll be the last to complain about this song, because in that case it might fit perfectly well, but well... we'll see.
The song promises more than it delivers. Katatonia doesn't really have the balls to go into crazy, cool extended parts and because of that the song sounds rushed and in the end you're left feeling like: "where's the coherence?"
Too little catchy chord changes, too little repetition of cool parts... They don't use what actually is awesome about the song... Meh... Not too psyched about this
I just listened to "Dead Letters" for the first time, and I love it. It's significantly different from other Katatonia, and some of the influences (and even references to previous Katatonia) seem obvious, but I think this is a great song overall. It does seem odd that it is technically the closing track, as it doesn't really sound like one at first listen, although this might change after it is heard within the context of the album. Perhaps the bonus tracks will sound more like the close of the album anyhow, though. In any case, I'm looking forward to the album even more now.
I listened to it once and my impression was good, though not blown away. But I don't expect to blown away at first listen. I want to hear the full album before making any serious in-depth comments.
"The songs that make the hours go" seems rather referential.. as seems the whole text...

I'm ok with that though. They really are.

Now that i read it, I think Vince has a point.. it doesn't bother me much, but it certainly is there when you listen for it. Hmm. Interesting.
To add to my previous comment (as I was half asleep when i made it) the song reminds me much more of VE, its good to hear a more energetic sounding track from them again as I felt a lot of NITND was a bit duller than usual and less dynamic. That alone makes me more keen for this album...the song hasn't blown me away but it certainly sounds like they've maybe had a shot in the arm recently (though I do agree with Vince J somewhat)...hopefully the rest of the album will improve on what this tune promises
I can appreciate opinions that are different from mine (I think this song is really moving, really great), but some stuff posted here just looks like senseless nitpicking. I apologize in advance for being a douche.
I can appreciate opinions that are different from mine (I think this song is really moving, really great), but some stuff posted here just looks like senseless nitpicking. I apologize in advance for being a douche.

I totally agree.
I also hate this pathetic dissection of a really good song.
And the Tool comparison fuckin makes me mad, because I hate that mediocre shit band.
This thread is bumming me out. Can't believe the joyless bunch here.
This album must be coming out at the wrong time or in a bad phase for many people.
I totally agree.
I also hate this pathetic dissection of a really good song.
And the Tool comparison fuckin makes me mad, because I hate that mediocre shit band.
This thread is bumming me out. Can't believe the joyless bunch here.
This album must be coming out at the wrong time or in a bad phase for many people.

Look at all the wannabe kvlt shit you post in the new treasures thread. 99.9% of the music you listen to couldn't even be considered mediocre on a good day. A bunch of 30 year old virgins who dress up in body paint while they wank away in their parents garage. Sad thing is you kids actually buy that garbage, which makes you pretty silly.
I totally agree.
I also hate this pathetic dissection of a really good song.
And the Tool comparison fuckin makes me mad, because I hate that mediocre shit band.
This thread is bumming me out. Can't believe the joyless bunch here.
This album must be coming out at the wrong time or in a bad phase for many people.

Wow, chill.
Here's a little fact: this song would NEVER have sounded this way if it wasn't for this 'mediocre shit band' called Tool. The influence is there, guaranteed.

Now, the reason I'm kind of disappointed with this new song, is because my expectations for Katatonia (being one of my all time favourite bands) are extremely high. I realise they'll never release anything again like Discouraged Ones/Tonight's Decision, but that is simply the most essential period for me. I understand and respect that they're constantly evolving their sound and style, but it's going in a direction I personally don't really like as much as what they used to do.
They still sound unique, but they let their influences shine through more than ever.
I can appreciate opinions that are different from mine (I think this song is really moving, really great), but some stuff posted here just looks like senseless nitpicking. I apologize in advance for being a douche.

I take it this is probably directed at me. Let me explain;
When I first heard the song I got goosebumps because of the intensity and just general excitement of hearing a new Katatonia song, but as I was listening the feeling went away and I felt very little pull to hear it more often.

I was disappointed I couldn't get that thrill that other Katatonia songs gave me and I wondered why.
That's why I analyzed the song and described what I felt about it along the way. Not to nitpick and find weaknesses, but only to rationalize and explain what I felt. That's just the way I work. That post was more for me to get things clear than it was for you guys

edit: You're not being a douche
Wow, chill.
Here's a little fact: this song would NEVER have sounded this way if it wasn't for this 'mediocre shit band' called Tool. The influence is there, guaranteed.

Now, the reason I'm kind of disappointed with this new song, is because my expectations for Katatonia (being one of my all time favourite bands) are extremely high. I realise they'll never release anything again like Discouraged Ones/Tonight's Decision, but that is simply the most essential period for me. I understand and respect that they're constantly evolving their sound and style, but it's going in a direction I personally don't really like as much as what they used to do.
They still sound unique, but they let their influences shine through more than ever.

Wow, that's my opinion!! The only difference: I stuck on TD/LFDGD era with it's "soft" symphonic sound and dissonances. I respect the band and I'll just keep on waiting for something that will blow me away like that albums did.