Dear god, I just saw slayer live


Apr 14, 2001
:eek: I was front row, right in front of Jeff the whole show, my god, it was a warzone. Megadeth was a sunday picnic compared to this, and I thought deth was pretty bad. I have NEVER been in something as intense as that, there was just no let up, song after song.......... it was incredible, for those going, you wont be disappointed, but dont think you will escape punishment while you are there if you are at the front! I was determined to stay at the front for this one, and Im glad to say I did, but I will be sore tomorrow, especially as im sleeping on the floor at work (which is why I can post this before anyone else gets home if you are wondering :) )
I also got kicked right in the head by some crowd surfer, who then said sorry. Kinda like blowing up hiroshima and then apologising......ok not really, but it hurt me lots.
I got Rob Flynns bottle cap too!!!! (I know, its not much for you guys, but I have to be thankful for the little things, the big things never happen!)
He threw it into the crowd and the guy next to me caught it, but gave it to me because he had never heard of machinehead. Sweet! :)
Crossy, what did you think of the show??

P.S. Sydo, Slayers new album is their best by far, I know everyones going to argue the point but Im *right*, it rules, best by far. FACT! :D
Its was pretty good spawn. I didn't attempt the fence for this slayer concert. I learnt my lesson last time haha.

Attached hopefully are a couple of pictures. I'll go through them better when I get home tonight. Unfortunatly because im short I got a lot of heads :cry:


Originally posted by ironcross
Its was pretty good spawn. I didn't attempt the fence for this slayer concert. I learnt my lesson last time haha.

Attached hopefully are a couple of pictures. I'll go through them better when I get home tonight. Unfortunatly because im short I got a lot of heads :cry:

Haha, yeah, i certainly learnt why you stayed back, it was worth it though :)
Dont worry, the pics are great, its good to have some of the concert, I cant wait to see the others, maybe you will get the back of my head in one of them :)
You would have gotten my hand in those photos, I was down the front on the left side, look for the arm, thats me! :D
Raining Blood
War Ensemble (from here im not sure of the order....)
Angel Of Death
Stain Of Mind
Mandatory Suicide
Chemical Warfare
Jesus Saves
Here Comes The Pain (AWESOME live :) )
Seasons In The Abyss
Dead Skin Mask

Some others too, but I cant remember what they are at the moment, Crossy if you do, feel free to add the ones I missed :D
Wow man that sounds awesome!
Can't wait till saturday!
Glad that here comes the pain is on the set list, that song is awesome!
Does anyone remember if Expendable Youth was on the set?
I sure hope so!

They played South Of Heaven too, I forgot that :) Dont know about expendable youth, I dont know that song, it may have been one of the few I didnt know........
Sounds like a great show !! Can't wait until Saturday night !
All the songs you would expect them to play are there and a few surprises too !!

I was hoping they would play jesus saves or alter of sacrifice. :)

Thanx for writing out most of the songs spawn
I like "South of Heaven". I sometimes find myself whistling that at work, and I'm sure nobody knows what tune it is.

At least I think it's "South of Heaven"... seeing as I haven't heard it in years, I could very well be mistaken. Might have to dig out a CD and have a wee listen. Hmm.
Hanso, they played Alter of Sacrafice, Captor of Sin (awesome song seriously :) ) and the start of Jesus Saves.

oh they started with Rain in Blood. What more could you want :D

Spawn, the rest of the photo's aren't great. I'll put one or two more up later.
A very enjoyable night...the only problem i had was thta i wasn't expecting Mandatory Suicide to be so early in the set.I watched the first 4 or 5 songs and then went out to get a beer.As soon as i got my beer i heard the start of Mandatory suicide(my favourite Slayer song) and had to quickly skull my beer and get back inside.
I didn't see Machinehead as i was in the bar catching up with a lot of people including Crossy's gang,Stevo from Dungeon,Paul and Glenn from 2SWR,the guys from Dark Order,plus i guy i met during the AC/DC tour earlier this year(he saw 13 of the shows in Australia...i only managed 9 AC/DC shows) :spin:
I cant understand people, they perplex me so. :err:

Why did you leave when Slayer was on??? For god sakes man, you can get beer 24/7/365, Slayer comes ONCE ever few years if that!!! :D
Machinehead were great too, and I got Rob Flynns bottle cap!! Maybe I can sell it for heaps on ebay! Ok maybe not, still kinda cool though :D Well, cool if you are me maybe, to everyone else its just some bottle cap.
Anyway, back to my original point, you left when Slayer was on!! Ralphe you madman! :D

Come on crossy, put up some more pics, I dont care if they are crap, I want to relive the magic :)
i went to the brisso concert was awesome..but what more could ya expect..the last song they played at brisbane was angel of death or something like that..cant really remember..but i was fucked by the end cause both machine head and slayer went did frankenbok at the start..totally awesome OZ metal..get into it:D
Yep they finished with angel of death here too, and machinehead were awesome as well.
But Frankenbok were wierd, they had awesome guitar riffs and stuff and then the singer would just screech into the microphone, I didnt really like it, if the singer would have stopped doing that I would have been much more receptive :)
The Melbourne concert was Awesome !!
I was front row, dead centre for the entire show and my g/f was right next to me the whole time .
She is crazy !!
She borrowed some hockey shin pads and wore them into the moshpit to protest her legs.
Hahaha , the secruity guard that searched her before going in didn't know if she should let my g/f in or not :grin:

I ended up getting half a slayer drumstick at the show.
This other guy and myself wrestled it off everyone else and then spent about 5 minutes trying to rip it out of each other's hands before we decided to take half each :lol:

What really impressed me is how intense slayer are after about 20 years of playing metal !!
I mean they look as if they love playing the music and get right into it and they also never miss a note (apart from tom who stopped playing the bass once or twice to adjust the mic)!!

Alot of bands after being around for a long time just look like they are going through the motions onstage and never look interested.
They just look as if they are there for the money !!
You got Pauls drumstick???? OH. MY. GOD. You bastard :) Ill swap you rob flynns bottle cap for it??
No??............didnt think you would go for that :) I REALLY REALLY wanted to get a pick from jeff, i tried all night but couldnt get one, if id seen someone their catch one I would have offered them WHATEVER money it took to get one, but I couldnt find anyone who had one :(

Your girlfriend went and stayed front row?? Gees, im impressed! The shin pads are a good idea though, I must admit LOL

I agree, Slayer were VERY intense, especially considering they have been playing shows for over 20 years, its amazing they havent become jaded or anything yet. I was impressed by their playing as well, im surprised their hands didnt fall off after the show they played, I mean come on, when you start the show with raining blood then go straight into war ensemble. FREAKS :)
All in all, i wish id travelled to queensland and melbourne to watch the shows as well :mad: Wont be making that mistake again! (Though now they probably wont tour for another 5 years :mad: )

Anyway, Slayer rule :D