Dear Mikael and Opeth

I'm joking -_-... god... You have no idea how freakin' happy I was to see that mikael akerfeldt himself answered me. You take jokes seriously

Very well... I didn't realized it was a joke, because people have
made similar accusations.

How dare you say God doesn't exist and that the world isn't flat! Everyone knows it is!

I never claimed any of those things. And btw, I do think God exists. I believe in
something, but perhaps not in a man "far above the clouds".
i thought you were rich??^^

while we're requesting tours, come back to aus! but preferably after july next year so i can actually come this time.

Mmm, any time after march so I can drink. I think I'll go chill out up top at the Arena next time. Mosh was fun but I was so fucked afterwards; I nearly killed some chick and some guy ashed his joint on my head.
Very well... I didn't realized it was a joke, because people have
made similar accusations.

It's okay. I wouldn't seriously think mikael would really do such a thing.

Wtf......This post actually makes sense, maybe your Spanish skills are better than your english skills :lol:

And btw, his wish wasn't granted, although Mike replied which is pretty awesome :kickass:

Well, my first wish was to actually get a reply!
You guys have no idea how much this means to me!

Mikael Åkerfeldt;5634095 said:

Thanks for that dude!
Don't listen to those people calling you a fanboy. We certainly appreciate this a hell of a lot more than a lot of the other comments we get here.
Some people like to complain about their favourite bands, some like to show their appreciation. I know what I prefer.

Thanks again...unfortinately we end the touring cycle after this brief Euro tour so it might take some time til we're back out there.


I don't think appreciating one's music means being a fanboy. And if it does, then I'm proud of being one!
I truly admire your music and the way you play it, and I truly see nothing wrong with that
Anyway, In the far future, please remember israel [:

Thank you very much for answering Mikael! It means so much to me.

Your's, Nadav Nazarathy, Israel.
Very well... I didn't realized it was a joke, because people have
made similar accusations.
I never claimed any of those things. And btw, I do think God exists. I believe in
something, but perhaps not in a man "far above the clouds

I think just the same. I'm sure that all this life is going to somewhere further, but it doesn't have to be the clearly defined "GOD" we know of. I think you can only know what's next when you get there ^^
Btw, in blackwater park, patterns in the ivy II and still day beneath the sun.. Did you write them? I simply love them..

Meh?! Of course he wrote 'em! Who else would have? Mike has written all of the songs except for the
lyrics to "Death whispers a lullaby" which was written by Steven Wilson. Obviously, the band have
contributed alot, but generally Mike is the man who made it all happen!

You really irritate me, Nadavnaz... Stop that! I'm really glad Mike answered you, but then again I like
it when Mike answer any thread! However you make it sound like you're this 14-year-old-blue-eyed-boy
with no clue what music you listen to... Sorry if I seem harsh or if I'm wrong, but do me a favor...
Look up more info about Opeth, if you like 'em so much! You don't have to of course, but everyone else
have and you seem to really like Opeth!
Meh?! Of course he wrote 'em! Who else would have? Mike has written all of the songs and
lyrics except for the "Death whispers a lullaby"-lyric which Steven Wilson wrote...

You really irritate me, Nadavnaz... Stop that! I'm really glad Mike answered you, but then again I like
it when Mike answer any thread! However you make it sound like you're this 14-year-old-blue-eyed-boy
with no clue what music you listen to...
Sorry if I seem harsh or if I'm wrong, but do me a favor...
Look up more info of Opeth, if you like 'em so much! Everyone else have!

:erk: Sorry for annoying you..
I simply adore those songs.
Why did I ask if mike wrote them?

Simply.. Most of the bonus tracks on opeth's CD's are covers.
(Circle of tyrants, rembmer tomorrow, soldier of fortune)
So.. I figured these two might be. Though you hear mikaels writing in those songs.

I guess I'm not up with this forums knowledge of the band. One thing for sure, I trully admire this music.
I know that Mikael is the one who writes the band's music, I simply haven't checked about these bonus tracks, and I really don't see anything wrong with that.

It's not like I'm some britney spears fan who want's to know every little detail about her life just because she's "in"
I admire the music, therefore I admire the man who writes it. If I haven't checked every detail about every song, it's now reaon to get angry about me

sorry for irritating you..
you'd know that circle of tyrants, rememmer tomorrow and soldier of fortune were not opeth-original tracks if you knew anything about music :P, plus they really dont sound that opethy.
:erk: Sorry for annoying you..
I simply adore those songs.
Why did I ask if mike wrote them?

Simply.. Most of the bonus tracks on opeth's CD's are covers.
(Circle of tyrants, rembmer tomorrow, soldier of fortune)
So.. I figured these two might be. Though you hear mikaels writing in those songs.

Again, sorry

I have a serious Opeth-addiction and I just think that they deserve more
thought-out questions than "Is this your song?" and "Are Mike on UM really Mike?"

You don't have to be sorry :) I just got irritated... It's all on me. It's due to
my own flaws as a person. I feel better now!
you'd know that circle of tyrants, rememmer tomorrow and soldier of fortune were not opeth-original tracks if you knew anything about music :P, plus they really dont sound that opethy.

I realised they weren't opeth's not from my general knowledge.

They just didn't sound like mikael wrote them..
The sounded like mikael didn't write them :P

Understand please, I'm not a metalhead that knows opeth or somthing.
A friend let me listen to them, they were actually the first thing metal I've ever heared, and I liked it (up to then I actually haven't had any musical preferences).

I don't know to much about the entire metal music in the world, but hey, is it really so bad?....
I have a serious Opeth-addiction and I just think that they deserve more
thought-out questions than "Is this your song?" and "Are Mike on UM really Mike?"

You don't have to be sorry :) I just got irritated... It's all on me. It's due to
my own flaws as a person. I feel better now!

I understand your loyality to the band [:

The whole thing with "is mike really mike (mikael robot..)" was an innocent joke my friends made. I didn't thing you would take it to seriously, (I actually thought you would find it amusing) but seeing that you thought I was serious, I would really get pissed of by myself to.

About blackwater park's bonus tracks question, It's understandable that you get irritated by me asking those questions.
Looking backwards, that was a pretty stupid thing to do.. I just wanted an answer from mikael akerfeldt himself, and maybe some more info about the songs..Getting a post from mikael seemed totaly un-realistic to me before I actualy got it. I was thrilled to see that he himself answered to me, and I guess I wanted more..:blush: (it's more accurate to say that I couldn't belive my eyes when I saw "mikael akefledt" and then a reply post to my message!)

Again sorry for that, nadav
you got alot of catching up to do then :D

Yup P: I know..

Opeth was my gateway to metal, and is my all time faviroute band.

I still haven't got to know to much bands, and you can say I'm kind of new to metal.

So even if I don't know to many songs (of other bands.. not opeth, I've heared all their music), I trully belive I love opeth's music just as much as you do, even without knowing all that much about all the things that surround the music itself.

Sorry for the hasle (:

I guess I'm not up with this forums knowledge of the band


I don't know to much about the entire metal music in the world, but hey, is it really so bad?....

Of course it's not necessary to know everything about everything.
That was not what I ment...

Hey, a funny thing - and true believe it or not:
I bought my Martin 00016GT acoustic guitar (The very same Mike use
in the latest three records) in a store where Mike used to work!!!
The owner knew Mike and the owner and I talked alot. It turned out
Mike wrote material for Orchid in that very store! Anyway you can guess
how psyched I was after that! :D