New Metal Member
- Feb 28, 2002
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Mick Moss said:Dear Susie , I have a problem. My girlfriend always fucks off after I cook fucking top nosh scrans for her and she leaves me to do all the dishes. What can I do?
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:dear susie,
everyone thinks im a nazi when i say 'fucking jews'. what should i do?
right i,m gonna give you some VIM and a packet of BRILLO PADS so you can scrubb those little brown men on ropes clean off your bum, is that good advise :hotjump:Andy_2003 said:Hey Susie my bum still smells you know, what U gonna do about it!?
Susie said:well let them no you shaved the square muzzy off last week and you should tell them that your not a nazi your F----- hows thatthere you go you can sleep much better now
Cerulean said:Dear Susie, I have been too lazy to shave my beard for the last 5 weeks now. Should it be shaved eventually or can it stay? Cos I'm dead lazy when it comes to smooth shaving.
Dora said:Dear Susie,
My fingers hurt I can hardly move them now after many hours of playing with xbox and I still cannot beat Nightmare with Kilik. Do u think i can get hurt?
Cerulean said:Send your Xbox to me, I have some fine tools on the shed so I can destroy the piece of shit. Then, get a Gamecube.
(Sorry Susie this was my territory)
Yeah, Xbox sucks!Cerulean said:Send your Xbox to me, I have some fine tools on the shed so I can destroy the piece of shit. Then, get a Gamecube.
(Sorry Susie this was my territory)
trust me man i'm 100% sure, that "she" has been always "she"Ol' Dirty Bastard said:... are you sure "she" has always been a "she", cause from where I'm sitting that doesn't look to be entirely accurate?