Iron Maiden are using the same "epic" angle on their albums and it worries me. The last album I really enjoyed was Brave New World but now they are stuck in the "let´s write "epic" songs". I don´t enjoy songs that are written long just because they can be.
I´d would love to hear a Maiden album in the vain as the first two. A little bit rougher and no keyboards (yes, I think Be Quick Or Be Dead is a good song).
Well if you think Be Quick or Be Dead is good then I guess you will never like another Maiden song

I though that Maidens "A Matter of life and Death" was great and the best album since 7th son, 7th son had keyboards and 'epic' but is my favorite Maiden album to date. I doubt they are going to go back and make records that sound like their first 2 records since that style of vocal doesn't compliment Bruce Dickinsons voice.