Death Metal album that is the epitomy of the genre?


The Unjesus
Jul 9, 2011
Churning Sea of Absu
I want you guys to list off an album that defines Death Metal and has all the characteristics of a TRUE Death Metal album. I am in favor of Crytopsy's "None So Vile". What about you guys?
That kinda depends on which flavor of death metal you prefer.

IMO, Cannibal Corpse's "Tomb of the Mutilated" is probably number one, followed by Suffocation's "Pierced from Within".

Cryptopsy is far too 'out there' to really be definitive to the genre. It's a better album, IMO, but if we're talking representative of the genre, you gotta go with the meat-and-potatoes DM bands like those two, Deicide, etc.

That is true. None So Vile is just something that, to me, describes what Death Metal is. It isn't my favorite, but I enjoy it. Tomb Of The Mutilated isn't one of the best albums, but it does represent a lot of great Death Metal characteristics.
They had a ton of Thrash and Grind influences on Altars, which makes it pretty unique to me. Their riffs are so evil...Altars is a masterpiece. Covenant is also a masterpiece, but it can't capture what Altars had. God Of Emptiness is the most evil song ever, though. Blessed is bland to me. Not a bad record, just not anything that grabs my attention.
I guess the question is, if you had to make a map of metal and give albums that were the purest, most undistilled albums that didn't have influences from other genres, what would you put as death metal? What album is just death metal and NOTHING else, and simply represents what the genre is?

I have an odd suggestion:

Of basic death metal, probably Blessed Are The Sick or Onward To Golgotha. Altars of Madness or Seven Churches were of course more important milestones, but, as others have said, the influences of thrash/etc. linger much more on those albums.

As for death metal releases of the highest quality that showcase all the important aspects of the genre, perhaps Beyond Sanctorum or Deathcult For Eternity: The Triumph.
i'm not a death metal fan, and fans of the genre probably disagree with this. but when the phrase pops into my head, these albums immediately come to mind.


I'd say:
Effigy of the Forgotten-Suffocation
Mortal Throne of the Nazarene-Incantion
Close to a World Below-Immolation
Deicide's S/T
Cannibal Corpse-Tomb of the Mutilated or Gore Obsesses, to get a taste of Barnes and Corpsegrinder
Way too many that epitomize it to choose just one, or even begin a decent list.