death metal all read

Old Soilwork is great, Steelbath Suicide is a classic, but A predator's portrait is terrible, it is like 'In Flames - Clayman II'.

Chainheart Machnie is ok, but not great either.
My first death metal band was Death. A friend of mine recommended them to me since I liked In Flames and Dark Tranquillity back then.

IMO Skydancer blows away everything Dark Tranquillity have done after it.
I also think that skydancer is the best of 3 DT albums that I own.
But I've had Gallery for 3 months and Minds I only for few days so in long run... I don't know yet. But none of those three albums is less than ****/5 album.
I'm not sure what the first DEATH metal album I bought was. The first album with growls was Kreator's Endless Pain anyway which I bought in 88 I think it was (I was either 8 or 9 at the time so I might have been in 89 also). But that's more of a thrash album. Hmmm, first death metal might have been........Blessed are the Sick by Morbid Angel - a real bonecrusher of an album! A classic...
heres one for all you australians, my first death metal listening was to....
Sadistik Exekution's "Volkanik Violence"

Oh dear, i listen to that now and its pretty shocking..

I still like some death metal like cryptopsy, earth, destroyer666 and chalice, but thats about it