Recommend me Some "Good" Death Metal

A band I love, that people have either not heard of or don't seem to have much care for are Dark Lunacy. I don't see why they aren't more well known, I think they are amazing.
Instead of re-hashing, I'll add something that I haven't seen here yet:

Eternal Grey - Kindless
This album fucking kills. Excellant music, brilliant drums, and killer vocals. It's not brutal, but it's just plain good death metal, and even though I'm not a big fan of the genre, I love this albu.
dishcloth said:
A band I love, that people have either not heard of or don't seem to have much care for are Dark Lunacy. I don't see why they aren't more well known, I think they are amazing.

Agreed, very good band. I'd probably say haven't heard of is a more likely bet, they're somewhat obscure, and Italian.

2006- Identisick.

everyone should check out this release...i don't care HOW old this thread is...
brutal death metal with elements of gore/grind/thrash/black and some insane vocals, and this absolutely undeniable groove.
only two people menchaned necrophagist possibly one of the best tech death if not oen of they are my faviroute they fuken kick ass and i know they arent full death metal but amon amarth are fucken sick amon amarth - a thousand years of opression!!! get fuk loads of necrophaigst
they fucken rock
Onset Of Putrefaction is one of my faviroute amlbums out and epitaph is fuken sick too
I was going to mention necrophagist also but i saw that someone beat me to it

necrophagist is definately one of the best tech death bands :rock:
NicholasDWolfwood said:
I'm not exactly a Cannibal Corpse fan, but this is just...blasphemy.

The lyrics are purposely written over the top (or at least Barnes-era ones are), because that's what they (more-so Barnes) was interested in. The band still writes lyrics like that, but it's not to the extent of "I cum blood from my erection".

Shit riffs? Listen to Frantic Disembowelment and then get back to me. That song FLIES around the fretboard.

Half-existant basslines? Try listening to them, because I can sure hear them. As a bassist, I take offense to this.

Stupid drums? Maybe. I haven't really seen any technical drums out of CC, but then again, they're "brutal" death, not "technical progressive 23/18 time signature" death. That's the problem imo, people can't differentiate between the two. There's bands that mix the two (Necrophagist for sure, Nile imo, bands like that), but then there's bands that don't go for both, but usually only one or the other. Cannibal goes for the "one or the other" method, their's being brutal death.

Yeah that guy's a fucking moron. Listen to like...Dead Human Collection, definitely some technical stuff in there and plenty of shifty time sigs too if that's your thing. Their bassist is actually one ofthe better DM bassists, true story. He doesn't use a pick like a wiener and you can hear him pretty clearly quite often. And how can he call their basslines nonexistant when their most famous song (Hammer Smashed Face) has an extremely lame bass solo? :D Don't get me wrong, I don't LIKE cannibal corpse really, it's just clear that they can play.

As for bands I don't get I'll say ANY AND ALL RAW BLACK METAL (besides Ulver - Nattens Madrigal). Darkthrone, Mayhem, Burzum, etc just sound like total shit to me, sry.