death metal takes no talent

Originally posted by warsofwinter

Whats wrong with Tool .. whats wrong with NIN ?
Dani Filth gives metal a bad image .....who cares what image metal is given .... who gives a fuck really .. nobody ... I listen to my music and I don't care what other people think of it if I did care, that would make my life alot more complicated

YEAH! whats wrong with tool and nin..not all commercial music is bad(just 99% of it)
Originally posted by Kveldssanger

Excuse me, but what Tool and NIN have to do with gothic? I wouldn't call these bands "what an average goth listens to". Especially Tool have nothing to do with gothic.

I totally agree Tool while they are awsome are not gothic. Marylin manson is a complete wanker, and any "goths" that listen to that shit aren't really goths. Tool can play music that have tallent, manson, is just the capitalist shit that comes out of america, like all that stuff it is formula, it is the 'heavy' version of the back (door) street boys etc. there for the market and the money, not the music. real Gothic metal is stuff like Theatre of tragedy, Sins Of thy Beloved, Tristania, Therion. etc. Slow, Doomy, Sad, Tourtured, and Musical, just like a Goth Should Be.
p.s. im not a goth.
Originally posted by O'blivion
Therion isn't "goth metal"

well...? mabey, It is however more Gothic than Manson.
Mabey we have different definitions of goth (people)
Anyway think vovin opratic metal... who else would enjoy opera and metal... goths thats who.
While Nine Inch Nails have become commercial, I refuse to believe that 'The Downward Spiral' can be called a commercial album. It displays all the attributes of non-commerciality if you ask me.

It's a work of art.
Mabey Im still hanging on the the idea of the romantic non-mainstream goth of my youth, before it was popular, that Idea that Goths were intelligent and educated, not the sort of people who would listen to Manson and think they were rebles,get eye contacts, and dress 'scary' coz they think they're tough. A goth to me Is someone who would listen to Vovin and understand the litterary ties etc. Mabey im getting nieve in my old age.
Mabey Im still hanging on the the idea of the romantic non-mainstream goth of my youth, before it was popular, that Idea that Goths were intelligent and educated, not the sort of people who would listen to Manson and think they were rebles,get eye contacts, and dress 'scary' coz they think they're tough. A goth to me Is someone who would listen to Vovin and understand the litterary ties etc. Mabey im getting nieve in my old age.
Mabey Im still hanging on the the idea of the romantic non-mainstream goth of my youth, before it was popular, that Idea that Goths were intelligent and educated, not the sort of people who would listen to Manson and think they were rebles,get eye contacts, and dress 'scary' coz they think they're tough. A goth to me Is someone who would listen to Vovin and understand the litterary ties etc. Mabey im getting nieve in my old age.
Mabey Im still hanging on the the idea of the romantic non-mainstream goth of my youth, before it was popular, that Idea that Goths were intelligent and educated, not the sort of people who would listen to Manson and think they were rebles,get eye contacts, and dress 'scary' coz they think they're tough. A goth to me Is someone who would listen to Vovin and understand the litterary ties etc. Mabey im getting nieve in my old age.
Mabey Im still hanging on the the idea of the romantic non-mainstream goth of my youth, before it was popular, that Idea that Goths were intelligent and educated, not the sort of people who would listen to Manson and think they were rebles,get eye contacts, and dress 'scary' coz they think they're tough. A goth to me Is someone who would listen to Vovin and understand the litterary ties etc. Mabey im getting nieve in my old age.
aargh. thats not the point of goths....
the point of (true) goths is to be totally unclassifyable, methinks
actually, none of those bands you mentioned are "goth." goth is not a music style, it is an image. GothIC metal is. Tristania, Hagaard, Trail of Tears, Theatre of Tragedy, etc. play music in a gothic style. the vocals have been commonly coined as "beauty and the beast," because of the use of both female soprano/alto and growled male vocals. Therion has none of these charactericstics, save for the use of violin, which is a staple in gothic metal. Therion uses all modern orchestra instruments as well. at least that's how i see it. you are right about it coming down to personal ideas of what a word such as "goth" means.

ummmmm the site went a bit weird for a couple minutes. probably why you ended up with the multiple posts.
My Dying Bride is a good example of personal definition. some may consider them a doom band. i personally view them as a gothic metal band, which for me means that they have a dark, brooding, yet bombastic feeing to their music. Aaron's vocals are both growled and sung in deep clean mellowness. They used a violin in their earlier albums as well
I don't know if anyone else agrees but when I hear the term gothic the bands that come to mind are Sisters Of Mercy, Fields of The Nephilim, The Cure (old) and things like that... I don't understand how come someone is categorized as "goth" (don't you just love those labels :grin: ?) just because he listens to NIN or Marylin Manson...
Umm... going back to the original thread... if you wanna impress him with technically, you'd better take the motherfucker some Meshuggah... 'Future Breed Machine' should do the trick... their shit is like inhuman.