Death Sentences etc.


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
I know there are lots of folks here from the US, how do you guys feel about the death sentence?

I read an interesting article today about it, and also another about lethal injection itself being under trial.


Edit: Interview with an executioner here.
'Life sentences' in England seem to be a fucking joke tbh so I'd be in favour of bringing back death sentences here.
I'll take my safety over some chump change, thanks.

Millions of dollars per person executed is hardly chump change. And your safety is just as much guaranteed by the convicted serving a life sentence in a maximum security prison (which is cheaper than killing them).
When you break it down to individual people it's not that much. Maybe it's just me, but I find it to be disturbing that a convicted murderer is just tossed in a prison for the rest of his or her life with free range to kill anyone he wants.
Many people consider life imprisonment a fate worse than death. From a convict's point of view, he or she may rather wish to die than stare at a concrete wall for the remainder of their existence.
Ok...that doesn't really mean anything though. I personally wouldn't want either, but what I want doesn't matter. So if life imprisonment isn't harsh enough, and the death sentence is even less harsh, then what should we do? I mean prisons have been overcrowding for years and are only getting worse, and alot of people her think the death sentence is a "bad" thing. So what should we do?
The British sent all their convicts to Australia.

This reminds me of a quote from

<_kr4m3r> so many fucking criminals, its bullshit
<foniks`> heh, if we sent all the criminals to some empty continent and just left them there to die
<foniks`> and showed up like 50yrs later like, "sup?"
<foniks`> whatd u think they'd say?
<FoSZoR[bg]> something along the lines of, "G`Day mate"
Killing a person, robbing them of their chance to live their life, is extremely terrible, and deserves a punishment on par with the crime, but the punishment would just be the taking of another life, so... meh. Life sentence is the best option I suppose.

About the lethal injection issue: who cares if it's inhumane? The death penalty is inhumane itself, so if you're going to put someone to death, why does it matter in what way you're doing it? Sheesh. It already takes decades for criminals to even get their turn in the injection room (at least in California).