Death Sentences etc.

Rapists and Murderers dont deserve life.
hell, I'd be all for torturing rapists.
No fucking mercy for these sacks of shit.

and they dont deserve to be locked up with hot food and a roof over their head.
The death sentence is utterly pointless. It accomplishes nothing whatsoever that can be done in a more civilized manner.

To begin, the prison system is designed primarily to keep harmful people away from people who have not been shown to be harmful. The purpose of the prison system is not to punish, let alone kill, its inmates.

Life sentences are essentially as effective as death sentences. And it has the additional advantage of being humane. One person killing another person does not give a third person the right to kill the first person, so essentially the third person is committing a second crime, killing a largely harmless individual. Of course, life sentences are also cheaper than death sentences, but this is not a priority for me, because I am not Jewish.

I agree on pretty much everything you've said here. For me though, even the smallest possibility of putting someone completely innocent to death is reason enough to reject the death penalty. That's my main reason for rejecting it. I don't actually feel any moral pangs or whatnot about ending the existence of a complete degenerate. That seems inconsistent with the view that killing is a moral wrong, but I don't think killing is wrong; I think murder is wrong. One might even say that "Murder is wrong" is tautological since "murder" is supposed to mean "unjustified killing". But I don't think killing a rapist/murderer/childfucker is murder. Maybe these views are incoherent. Criticize as you see fit.
I mean prisons have been overcrowding for years and are only getting worse, and alot of people her think the death sentence is a "bad" thing. So what should we do?

Stop fucking imprisoning people for drug use? That would be a pretty good start.

Great point there... and almost an issue by itself - human rights for people on death row ... is it better to allow them a painless death? Or should they be tortured? Should it depend on the crime? On the severity of pain incurred upon the victim, their families? Should perhaps a criminal have inlficted upon them their very own crime?

Making criminals suffer unnecessarily for their crime is fucking stupid and inhumane. What would that possibly accomplish besides giving someone a sick gratification for revenge?

So we kill someone because we think it's bad to kill someone? Doesn't make much sense.

Holy liberal bias, Batman.

A state executioner is not killing someone out of anger, jealousy, fear, paranoia, or greed. A murderer most likely is. That's the difference. Anyone who thinks it's inherently bad to kill someone is just naive.
Well, starving criminals is a violation of their rights. They are humans and citizens, after all. Not necessarily good citizens, but citizens nonetheless.
SO does feeding and putting clothes on a lifer

Forgive me for my ignorance regarding the actualities of this issue but isn't the argument that maintaining the death penalty actually costs more in the long run than keeping a person in prison for life?
Stop fucking imprisoning people for drug use? That would be a pretty good start.

no one is ever going to legalize all drugs so thats stupid to say since it will never happen and thats stupid anyways. you're telling me that crackheads and junkies that run out of money aren't going to steal or commit crimes? maybe cut down the sentences and have people get help but legalizing it completely would just cause more crime. even though weed is a lot more mild than other drugs i've seen people that even steal to support that habit despite the fact that its not really addicting, it just gives people another reason to commit crime.

oh and for the topic, if it costs the same which i wasn't sure of, i'd rather just have people serve life in prison. having people get killed if they're innocent is wrong and there will always be people that are wrongfully accused.
even though weed is a lot more mild than other drugs i've seen people that even steal to support that habit despite the fact that its not really addicting, it just gives people another reason to commit crime.

So then I imagine the case would be quite a bit worse for alcohol.

edit: I'm not even remotely interested in marijuana and I'm amazed that it still isn't legal.
no one is ever going to legalize all drugs so thats stupid to say since it will never happen and thats stupid anyways. you're telling me that crackheads and junkies that run out of money aren't going to steal or commit crimes? maybe cut down the sentences and have people get help but legalizing it completely would just cause more crime. even though weed is a lot more mild than other drugs i've seen people that even steal to support that habit despite the fact that its not really addicting, it just gives people another reason to commit crime.


You do realise there's a difference between doing a drug and committing a crime to support a drug habit, right? If doing hard drugs means you're automatically going to steal from others (which it doesn't), then just lock the person up for theft. What's so hard about that?

You do realise there's a difference between doing a drug and committing a crime to support a drug habit, right? If doing hard drugs means you're automatically going to steal from others (which it doesn't), then just lock the person up for theft. What's so hard about that?

there are people that can control hard drugs yes but its extremely hard considering how insanely addictive they are, the majority can't. but for the record i am for legalizing weed, it would provide more money for the government from taxes and reduce some spending on trying to keep it out but anyways your idea of arresting them for theft makes no sense. they will have already have committed the crime which means that crime rates will go up and not all criminals are caught, why not cut it off at the source?
True. Weed is just as detrimental as alcohol, yet one is legal and the other is not.

Well back in the day we had to do everything we could to keep the dirty mexicans from coming up north and raping our white women, and that's what those mexicans were smokin'.
no one is ever going to legalize all drugs so thats stupid to say since it will never happen and thats stupid anyways. you're telling me that crackheads and junkies that run out of money aren't going to steal or commit crimes? maybe cut down the sentences and have people get help but legalizing it completely would just cause more crime. even though weed is a lot more mild than other drugs i've seen people that even steal to support that habit despite the fact that its not really addicting, it just gives people another reason to commit crime.

I'm going to disagree with this whole post, but mostly with what I've put in bold.

First, the fact that being a drug user makes one more likely to commit other crimes is no reason to make drug possession an offense punishable with jail time. Obviously being addicted to crack makes one a hell of a lot more likely to steal. Well, in that case, they should be arrested when / if they steal something, not when they develop a habit that increases the likelihood they they will steal. By that logic, we should start arresting anyone who has emotional / anger control problems since they are more likely to lash out violently.

Second, I reject your claim that legalizing drugs would only cause more crime. How do you support this claim?

Keep in mind that I most certainly do not support the legalization of drugs, nor do I condone the use of drugs. However, I can not think of a way rationalize placing someone in jail for possessing or using drugs (selling and trafficking drugs is a different story, of course, and those people should be put away). Possession of drugs should only be punishable with fines, probation, community service, etc. Maybe even house arrest. And addicts, obviously, should get treatment.

Of course, maybe that is how it works already and I just wasted your time and mine. I'm assuming that possession (without intent to sell) can involve some jail time, but I could be wrong.