Death Sentences etc.

there are people that can control hard drugs yes but its extremely hard considering how insanely addictive they are, the majority can't. but for the record i am for legalizing weed, it would provide more money for the government from taxes and reduce some spending on trying to keep it out but anyways your idea of arresting them for theft makes no sense. they will have already have committed the crime which means that crime rates will go up and not all criminals are caught, why not cut it off at the source?

Because it's better to punish people for theft itself than it is to punish people for something other than theft?

Besides, if hard drugs were distributed by the government like ABC stores distribute hard liquor, there would be a way of doing background checks on customers if it were really deemed necessary (which it quite possibly wouldn't be). And having those drugs in the control of the government instead of drug lords and gangsters will get rid of a hell of a lot of crime anyway.
Obviously being addicted to crack makes one a hell of a lot more likely to steal. Well, in that case, they should be arrested when / if they steal something, not when they develop a habit that increases the likelihood they they will steal. By that logic, we should start arresting anyone who has emotional / anger control problems since they are more likely to lash out violently.

We should also arrest people who drink regularly, or are caught partying, as they're more likely to drive drunk, or get in a fight, or god-only-knows what else.
i'm not going to argue anymore because the thread is going wayyy off topic but the bottom line is that legalizing all drugs would be stupid and would honestly ruin society. you can believe whatever you want however because it will never happen.
i'm not going to argue anymore because the thread is going wayyy off topic but the bottom line is that legalizing all drugs would be stupid and would honestly ruin society. you can believe whatever you want however because it will never happen.

Well thanks for taking the time to make such intelligent and well-supported arguments. I'm sure everyone believes you.
the bottom line is that legalizing all drugs would be stupid and would honestly ruin society.

Way to go, fuckstick. Clearly defeated, you cop out and offer no further argument then end with the above dumbfucked hyperbole.
I actually agree with him. Legalizing things like heroin or acid would be fucking retarded. I could see them legalizing marijuana.
Mathiäs;6858779 said:
I actually agree with him. Legalizing things like heroin or acid would be fucking retarded. I could see them legalizing marijuana.

Acid? That isn't even addictive, you ignoramus.

And I suggest coming up with an actual argument before you just dismiss the idea as 'fucking retarded'.
Acid? That isn't even addictive, you ignoramus.

And I suggest coming up with an actual argument before you just dismiss the idea as 'fucking retarded'.

i told myself i wasn't going to derail it anymore but i might as well a little more. acid doesn't have to be addictive, its so powerful that if it was legalized anyone could have access to it and wouldn't treat it with respect and would take like 20 hits and fuck themselves into insanity and could potentially hurt other people. its not the danger of them getting addicted and stealing, its the danger of people going insane or hurting themselves or other people. at least with alcohol by the time you drink enough to actually die you'd have to drink alot of gross tasting shit and would be feeling it, with acid some person could think they're super tough and that its not that intense and just eat a piece of paper the size of a postit note and go crazy an hour later. the only way i could see that being legalized is if they had extremely strict restrictions on it and made people take classes and get a license like one would a drivers license.
You know, it really wasn't worth derailing the thread any further just to spew that retarded bullshit.

Specifically, this part:

acid doesn't have to be addictive, its so powerful that if it was legalized anyone could have access to it and wouldn't treat it with respect and would take like 20 hits and fuck themselves into insanity and could potentially hurt other people.
uh how? thats a general concern, just like kids overdrinking some kids could take too much acid and go insane and in turn hurt someone in the process before they are contained.
Sorry, that actually wasn't quite as bad as your previous posts. People probably should have some sort of education about hallucinogens before using them. But you continually assume that legalising a drug means that everyone in the whole world is going to rush to get it and use as much of it as they possibly can. If humanity were really that idiotic, don't you think there would be some sort of epidemic of people blowing their hands off with guns as soon as they got old enough to buy one?
Sorry, that actually wasn't quite as bad as your previous posts. People probably should have some sort of education about hallucinogens before using them. But you continually assume that legalising a drug means that everyone in the whole world is going to rush to get it and use as much of it as they possibly can. If humanity were really that idiotic, don't you think there would be some sort of epidemic of people blowing their hands off with guns as soon as they got old enough to buy one?

i'm not too knowledgeable about guns but i'm pretty sure you need to apply and have a waiting period and background check or something like that, plus i think its harder to blow off your hands with a gun than to take too much of a drug, its very easy to overdo it with anything. and i don't think everyone is going to rush to get it, but a lot of people will buy it and not know what they're doing and screw up which is why i'd support the education.
Any drug that's illegal now would probably start off heavily regulated if it were legalised, so I don't really see the idea as being that problematic. Safety is probably a legitimate concern with hard drugs and hallucinogens, though.
Vihiris, you can't possibly think that legalizing all drugs is a good idea. You are more sensible than that. The American public is that idiotic. Instead of throwing out insults, why not give me some reasons why it should be done, huh?

And how would they be "heavily regulated" if they were legalized? Legalization implies free access to it.
Enemy- I'd really like to tell you to shut the fuck up (and that you're an idiot). The problem is that you'd be offended and want me to explain why everything you've said tonight is retarded. I don't much feel like doing that right now, especially considering the sheer amount of stupidity you have spewed onto this board across threads.
Mathiäs;6858850 said:
And how would they be "heavily regulated" if they were legalized? Legalization implies free access to it.

To put it briefly without speculating ad nauseam on the details, it could be done roughly the way guns are regulated - with background checks, waiting periods, and so forth. There are plenty of ways to make dangerous drugs more idiot-proof.

Ultimately, there's always going to be a degree of risk associated with them, but that's no reason to make something illegal.
Enemy- I'd really like to tell you to shut the fuck up (and that you're an idiot). The problem is that you'd be offended and want me to explain why everything you've said tonight is retarded. I don't much feel like doing that right now, especially considering the sheer amount of stupidity you have spewed onto this board across threads.

if you honestly believe that everything i've said is wrong and that drugs should all be legalized and everyone should have instant access then you really are a moron. i feel sorry for you.